Saturday, 19 March 2022

TAC Grumbles

 Teachers Association of Cameroon



In the wake of sundry sombre developments in the educational sector in Cameroon of late, it behooves the Teachers Association of Cameroon (TAC)even in its state of reduced activity due to the Anglophone Crisis that has persisted since 21/1 1/2016, to come out of hibernation mode and make a number of comments. The present uncontrollable drift down an abysmal precipice can only but be attributable to government's lethargic responses to grievances raised by the teacher trade unions over time and the different disgruntled groups presently rearing their heads here and there with lethal potency, as well as to the apparent selective amnesia that informs its treatment of the different professional corps constituting the country's Public Service, treatment that leaves teachers with no option but to conclude that their noble profession the mother of all other professions is spited and treated with scorn.

Tameh Valentine Nfon, TAC National President

Over the years, teachers have had to down their tools a multiplicity of times over shabby, shoddy treatment and engage in either sit-ins or in public manifestations — over issues like the putting in place of a collective convention for private education; the integration of all contract and "contractualised" teachers of the basic, secondary, technical and vocational setups; the integration of teachers of Sports and Physical Education into the education corps; the upward revision of the research and documentation allowance; the raising of the index bar or civil service exit point for teachers many of who hit the bar (become "hors échelle ") and continue working for more than a decade; the institution of the Academic Palms award, etc.

Suffice it to indicate that Presidential Decree No 035/05/2000 granted teachers a statutes worthy of their noble profession right, which statutes would invariably have kept all these grievances in check! Signed since 05/10/2000 by the Head of State, President of the Republic, these statutes today in need of revision, have not gone operational for want of a "texte d'application". During the Major National Dialogue, a teacher representative is said to have raised the non-operalisation of the teachers' statutes as a serious dereliction of duty on the part of government, complaint which a Minister dismissed as improper, pointing out that he as parliamentarian (PM) at the time the statutes were prepared knows that any decree without a "texted'application" is illegal! One indignant lady PM called him to order, unequivocally charging him and his fellow PMS then for having embezzled state money by earning it unjustifiably.

In the meantime, teachers continued to make do with honorific enticements like Academic Palms, without accompanying honorariums or even just the basic social security facilities needed for a secure existence, the substantial issues among their grievances having always been deliberately ignored. And so droves of teachers have continued to be subjected to the wiles and political intrigues of successive ministers, hell-bent on keeping them poverty-stricken and manipulable. The fact that the teacher as employee has continued to be treated as a mere object and instrument to be used and hardly ever consulted, and even if s/he has ever been engaged in discussions, such discussions have always been informed from the onset by and has always resulted in outright deceit — this fact tells of the status of a minion the Cameroonian teacher is given by the nation s/he serves dutifully.

Fast-forward to November 2016 crisis that grounded all sectors of life in the North and South West regions of our country, it seemed all was already being put in place for the holding of the National Education Forum (NEF) that had been demanded and promised since before 2009! More than a dozen preparatory meetings were held within the framework of an Inter-Ministerial Committee that had been created specially to prepare for the prospect of the promised NEF. Teams of data collectors to the regions were set up, tons of data were collected, sieved into streamlined reports and submitted to the secretariat that had been set up for the work. Almost three years after the data was submitted, it has become clear that this was another scam. As time passes, sure mould gathers on the project and it becomes another dream that cannot be realised because of administrative subterfuge.

The crisis in the North West and South West regions, as per the United Nations, has rendered 3,200 schools non-functional (see cover page of The Horizon, No 0671 of Thursday 17 March 20 2). Yet administrative officers have continued suspending salaries of teachers on the grounds that they areAt aching in their school in areas whose access today is near impossible and where permanent residence todayis akin to suicide! Thus teacher in Ngoketunjia and Oku, like many •o•iuo missed the one or other of the irksomely successive censuses especially because of the security perils, have seen their salaries callously suspended in bursts of such administrative high-handedness. While TAC agrees that salaries of those gone for greener pastures should be suspended — interestingly, these are the ones who usually survive such salary suspensions — it becomes a scandal that teachers without easy access to their places of work who are still in the country and are making efforts to work even in life-threatening circumstances, should suddenly be deprived of the only means of survival for their families! Thank God we hear the situation is being righted.

For over four weeks now, schools have been grounded in all the Francophone regions and in the Francophone subsystem of education as pathetic cries of indignation from teachers rent the air, embittered voices decrying long service spells in schools without salaries! These legitimate cries from North, South, East and part of the West, fuelled largely by the sorry story that trended of the hapless Hamidou, teacher of "Lycee de Beka" in the Faro Division of the North region, unfortunately climaxed with the death of this patriot, which further bedevilled the situation and made the striking teachers ever more determined! A hungry man is an angry man, the trite but urgently true statement says. And the threat these disgruntled compatriots pose to the nation today is one with lethal potency. The onus therefore is the government's to stretch its wits to the limit and so bring these actors to the table, the logical locus for resolving conflicts. There is a Sword of Damocles hanging over the nation's welfare and sincere discussions and concessions —

real, concrete, fathomable — need to be exchanged in urgency Permit this paraphrase of Martin Luther King Jr as fitting end for this release: the time is right to do right and the time is always right to do right.

Done in Bamenda this 16th day of March, 2022.

Tameh Valentine Nfon

TAC National President

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