Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Douala Braces up to Host CNA 9th Scientific Conference

By Francis Ekongang Nzante

Cameroon's Economic Head Quarters, Douala, is bracing up to Host the ninth Annual Scientific Conference of the Cameroon Nurses Association CNA. This year’s conference will hold under the theme “Nurses, Breaking Down Barriers, Leaving no one behind.” This year’s CNA Annual Scientific Conference comes up in the wake of the eight which took place in the National Head Quarters of the Association in Bamenda. This year’s conference will run from Friday March 25th to Saturday 26th under the patronage of the Minister of Public Health, Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education and Minister Delegate in charge of Commonwealth, Minister of External Relations.

The rationale behind the theme of this year’s Scientific Conference is the central role played by nurses in the provision of Health Care Needs. Access to Health Care facilities has not always been equitably available to everyone for various and varying reasons. On the other hand health problems coupled with the pandemic that is rocking the world is affecting everyone in the same manner irrespective of wealth and social standing.

The thread that links all segments of society is the nurse. The nurse in his or her role as a natural caregiver attends to all with a devotion found in no other profession and most indiscriminately. The nurse doesn’t and should never allow affluence and status to affect the way a patient is attended to. No one should be left behind and there should be no barriers. In the intricate web that is characteristic of health service providers, nurses should play a unique role. The message of this year’s Scientific Conference of the Cameroon Nurses Association is unambiguous.

The Cameroon Nurses Association was created in 1999 to bring together all nurses in Cameroon under one umbrella. The aim was to make them work in harmony and to improve upon their capacities. From it’s inception in 1999 up till date, the Cameroon Nurses Association holds Annual Conferences under various themes and these themes are always indicated by the International Nursing Council. This is the supreme body that regulates the activities of Nurses all over the world.

The membership of CNA has improved at an impressive pace and it is now one of the fastest growing Association of health workers in Cameroon. CNA under the guidance of it’s President Mr Nkwain Joseph and the National Executive are erecting a befitting edifice for the association in Bamenda.

According to Mr Nkwain Joseph, “nursing from the days of Florence Nightingale who was the founder of modern nursing has always been a Vocation. When she went to the Crimean War she treated the British soldiers and other soldiers who were there and brought in that aspect of caring to nursing. We can call her the lady with the lamp because she used that lamp to take care of people. All nursing today is based on her philosophy: that you look at a person as a whole, that is from the biological aspect, the psychological, the social and the spiritual aspect. If you look at a patient in this manner, then you will give him complete care. Most of the time, focus is centered only on physical care.”


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