Friday, 11 March 2022

CAMGEW Intensifies Efforts to Promote Socio Economic & Environmental Rights of Women

By Francis Ekongang Nzante

The Cameroon Gender and Environment Watch CAMGEW has intensified its efforts towards the promotion of the Socio Economic and Environmental Rights of Women. This took place during a debate programme organised on Wednesday the 9th of March in Bamenda under the topic: “Promotion of Socio Economic and Environmental Rights of Women: How important?”

The programme highlighted on the necessity for women to be included in forest regeneration efforts and opportunities to develop, grow and benefit from forest resources. It also touched on the reasons why women have been traditionally left out of forest regeneration efforts.

The necessity to insert women in policies affecting management of the environment was emphasized upon by the panelists.

Firstly, women and youths represent a bigger segment of the world's population. In addition, women were presented as better financial and home managers.

Furthermore, women are natural caregivers, nature protectors and environmental problems affect them more since they are more vulnerable.

Women are also prime users of farmlands and ensure food security and are responsible for 60% of Agricultural output especially in the rural areas where most forests are found.

Thirdly, women now receive quality education just as the men and should be allowed to participate in policies affecting Environmental Management..

Reference was made to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as to the Sustainable Development Goals which lay emphasis on Gender Equality.

Attention was drawn to the fact that Cameroon has made International Commitments to empower the woman.

CAMGEW carries out its activities mostly in the Kilum-Ijim  Forest area in the North West Region of Cameroon, an area globally recognized as a rare and valuable center of endemic biodiversity.

CAMGEW's inclusive Forest Regeneration efforts planted 104446 trees to regenerate the forest in 2021. Over 2000 women have been trained to benefit from non-timber forest products especially in the honey value chain and medicinal plant value chain. This created jobs, increased income and motivated women to take part in Forest Conservation.

Women now take part in seed collection, tree nursery development, tree planting, forest monitoring, bushfire prevention and incubating local entreprises from non-timber forest products.

CAMGEW has trained over 800 Farmers, 60% of them women in agroforestry techniques to conserve the soil and improve crop yields. Through these initiatives women now have a strong motivation to conserve biodiversity and the environment.

Sevidzem Ernestine Leikeki, the Women Empowerment Officer of CAMGEW and a climate activist as well as one of the Founding members of CAMGEW said “we are celebrating the International Women’s Day 2022 and we in CAMGEW working over the years realised that women have a lot of potentials and these need to be developed and supported morally, technically and with the policies in place to support and give them certainty.”

Sevidzem Ernestine further said  the greatest segment of the world’s population was made up of women and children and that there could be no talk of Socio Economic and Environmental action without involving them.

She stressed on the need to introduce Environmental Management into the School Curriculum.

The injustices that women suffer she said start with societal ideas. “Society holds that the woman is weak and cannot do anything. We say no because that’s not taking us towards development. Moving towards development should involve promoting Gender Equality not for power struggle but for development and Economic Empowerment to ensure sustainability and to build that solidarity that we need in our society. In the rural areas where forests are found, the woman is limited to Subsistence Farming and caring for the home but we are saying that she deserves that opportunity to grow. It is the Policy Makers, the government, Civil Society Organisations and Youth Leaders who should stand up and say that opportunities should be brought closer to the rural  woman to help her walk out of her fears and become that woman that we want her to be.” The programme ended with the signing of a petition.

The debate programme was attended by the Inspector of Social Welfare Mr. Mukere Oliver Ndokie, Emmaculate Guteh from MINFOF and the media amongst others. The panelists were made up of University students from the Faculty of Arts, Department of Communication and Development Studies among others.


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