Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Separatists, Armed Gangs, Marauding Soldiers make Bui inhabitable

-Countless youths fleeing "Scotch Earth" operations!

Bui Division like many other  Divisions in the restive Northwest and Southwest Regions of Cameroon has been amongst the most hard hit Divisions since the Anglophone Crisis set in some three years ago. Separatist or Restoration forces were created with the support of Separatist activists in the Diaspora and information so far published over the years indicates that the creation of the Ambazonian Defense Force ADF transformed the Anglophone struggle into an armed struggle. Just like in other Divisions, a faction of these fighters sprouted in Bui.
This group which has gradually grown to be referred generally as "Ambazionian Fighters" wield considerable influence in Bui Division and has greatly influenced the pace of human activities in the Division.
With the decision of the Yaounde regime to completely stamp out the " Amba boys" and any other dissenting group, there was a corresponding deployment of contingents of the Cameroon Regular Army in the area. The resultant skirmishes led to a lot of blood shed especially among youngsters who for most of the time are not usually connected with the battle.
An added ingredient has been the fact that armed groups which are not necessarily "Ambazonian Fighters" have joined the dance. They have profited from the anarchy to meet up with the personal agendas which include organised crime through kidnapings and the demand of ransoms, settling of scores amongst other things completely unrelated to the initial reasons behind the armed conflict.They are generally referred to as " Fake Ambas."
The Anglophone Crisis has as such divided tribal communities and destroyed huge royal households like the Nso Palace historically one of the most important in Cameroon.
The regime in Yaounde makes use of a lot of Intelligence information using people from within the community as sources. When such informants are made known to the local population which is dominantly against the regular army, they are given the treatment of mob justice and their houses and property burnt.
On the other hand, if progovernment informants identify a family or member of any family to be collaborating with Separatist Forces like the ADF or any other group, it becomes absolutely necessary to quit the stage while you can that is if your family is spotted by intelligence force to harbour any sentiment or to collaborate with Separatists or terrorists as they have come to be referred to by the Biya regime.
This background provides all the necessary ingredients for total anarchy irrespective of the perspective from which you look at it. If you are an identified enemy of any of the above groups then you are as good as dead in Bui Division. If you are identified as an enemy of the state due to secessionist activism then its exceptionally dangerous. You simply go under ground or flee.
The regime according to declarations made during the last Senate Session in March is making use of what is referred to as the Scotch Earth Policy which has sent many fleeing from their home and country.
In Kumbo, one of the oldest Royal Dynasties in Cameroon, the Nso Kingdom was quasi destroyed by gangs alleged to be "Amba boys". Investigations have so far shown that groups involved in this attack on the Royal Family fall in the category of armed groups prepared to go to any length to eliminate the royal family. The Fon of Nso HRH Sehm Mbinglo III barely escaped from Kumbo with his life. Meantime his son, the Prince was brutally murdered by armed men yet to be fully identified.
In Noni still in Bui Division the Scotch Earth Policy by the regular Cameroon Army has been on course. Speaking recently in an interview with this reporter, the SDF Senator Kinyang George who hails from Bui and specifically from Noni said the killings and burning of property in Bui was dominantly carried out by the Cameroonian Army.Kumbo, the Capital of the Division is now quasi deserted with almost every member of the Royal family having fled abroad.
Another SDF Senator Kemende speaking during the Senate Session said Noni was one of those places where regular troops were implementing the Scotch Earth Policy. Among other gory examples, the senator explains how victims were told to dig their own graves before eventually being shot and buried in them. These victims are dominantly being identified through intelligence information sources.
Many youths in Noni who's families have been identified siding with Separatists have been victimised. They have been killed and family houses in some cases burnt. There is the case of youngsters like Ndikaka Anthony Soge, Lontum Dieudonne, Tan Kesitor Mangew among others whom this reporter could not ascertain their identity who have been identified to be linked with Separatists. Their whereabouts are presently not known but they are suspected to be on the run if still alive.
Bui Division has been therefore turned upside down and it is a case of survival of the fittest. The three groups mentioned above call the shots and unconfirmed reports state that some of the groups referred to as "fake Amba" are actually militia groups sponsored by the Yaounde regime. In this confusion and insecurity, youths have been escaping to seek safer abodes out of the country under precarious conditions.

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour, la patience, disent-ils, est une vertu. Si vous êtes sur la route un jour et que vous vous approchez de votre destination, vous en avez assez du voyage, mais après un peu plus de persévérance, vous y arrivez et vous êtes très heureux. C'était le sentiment que j'avais quand je travaillais avec le Dr. Amiso. Il m'a fait une femme très heureuse en me renvoyant mon ex-mari. Mon mari et moi sommes mariés depuis 2 ans et comme je n’étais pas capable de concevoir un enfant, il m’a quitté pour une autre femme. Pendant 6 ans, j'étais célibataire et pourtant mariée, mais j'avais besoin de mon mari et je suis allée en ligne pour rechercher un lanceur de sorts pour m'aider dans ma situation. J'ai rencontré le Dr Amiso et je lui ai tout expliqué sur ma situation. Il m'a dit d'être comme un oiseau patient qui attend pour voler. Une semaine après le contact, mon mari est rentré à la maison et a couché avec moi ce soir-là. J'ai informé le Dr Amiso à ce sujet et il m'a également dit d'attendre la bonne nouvelle. Trois jours plus tard, je suis allé à l'hôpital et j'ai découvert que j'avais conçu cette nuit-là et que j'étais enceinte. Je suis très heureux d'écrire ce témoignage classique pour informer le monde entier de ce grand lanceur de sorts. Si vous vivez des problèmes de santé ou des problèmes conjugaux, si vous voulez être reconnu dans le monde, même vous marier à l'amante de votre choix, tomber enceinte sans fausse couche, ne pleure plus, j'ai découvert que prendre la phytothérapie Dr.Amiso était mieux aucun effet secondaire, vous pouvez également contacter Dr.Amiso sur
