Saturday, 25 May 2019

Plan International, Cameroon Educates Media Partners on its Child Safeguarding Policy

Against a backdrop of the crisis presently affecting the Northwest and Southwest Regions of  Cameroon, Plan International Cameroon just rounded up a two day worship in Bamenda with the sole objective of educating its Media Partners on its child safeguarding policy and related themes. This two day workshop took place in Bamenda at Blue Pearl Hotel from the 10th to the 11th of May 2019.

This workshop permitted media partners to first of all know what Plan International was all about. This activity which was coordinated by Tah Hedley, Communication and Media Coordinator for Plan International, Cameroon furnished the Media Practioners with all necessary information to permit them have a comprehensive grasp of what Plan International was all about. From the initial step in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War with the modest beginning by John Langdon Davis, a British War Journalist and Eric Muggeridge, a refugee worker, Plan International has grown to become a major player in the domain of child safeguarding. Today, Plan international is in 76 countries and in 26 African countries including Cameroon. In 2018, Plan International reached out to 18.1 million girls and 16.1 million boys across the world.
Now 18 years old in Cameroon, Plan International's ambition is to reach a global figure of 100 million children including 2 million in Cameroon by 2020.
With the crisis raging on in the Northwest and Southwest Regions of Cameroon, the movement of Internally Displaced People has mostly been towards the West Region and the Littoral Regions. Plan International Cameroon's Emergency Response in these neighbouring Regions is a matter of urgency. These regions due to the heavy presence of displaced people a reasonable percentage of them being children, Plan International Cameroon is without doubt including these regions in its Emergency Response program.
Key activities on day one included : Plan International's Child Protection Policy & Child Safeguarding, reflecting together on children's rights within a crisis context and most importantly from the perspective of media practioners Humanitarian Reporting.
In the domain of Humanitarian Reporting, a close look was taken at the importance of information in crisis. Cognizant of the importance of information in crisis and the importance of journalist in serving as the link between those with the means to help those in need, the vital role of journalists became more visible.
In order for media partners to effectively carry out this important role, they were further drilled on Plan International's Brand Characteristics. The media men and women were then schooled through Media policies or Editorial Policies which saw them touching on details such as Conducting interviews, Photographing or filming and the use of images.
An added quality to the workshop were the practical sessions coordinated by the Communication and Media Coordinator, Tah Hedley. Participants were divided into groups to maximize the benefits of these practice sessions.
Briefly speaking, attention was drawn to the fact that a media partner should never loose sight of the fact that everything had to be oriented towards protecting the survivors. In order for media partners to usefully pave a way forward working together to support the humanitarian response they were briefed on responsible reporting taking into consideration certain expectations of Plan International Cameroon.
Other Resource Persons at the workshop included Deputy Emergency Response Manager Emmanuela Nting Songbi, the Security Coordinator amongst others. Media Practioners in the region graced the occasion with their presence and active participation.

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour, la patience, disent-ils, est une vertu. Si vous êtes sur la route un jour et que vous vous approchez de votre destination, vous en avez assez du voyage, mais après un peu plus de persévérance, vous y arrivez et vous êtes très heureux. C'était le sentiment que j'avais quand je travaillais avec le Dr. Amiso. Il m'a fait une femme très heureuse en me renvoyant mon ex-mari. Mon mari et moi sommes mariés depuis 2 ans et comme je n’étais pas capable de concevoir un enfant, il m’a quitté pour une autre femme. Pendant 6 ans, j'étais célibataire et pourtant mariée, mais j'avais besoin de mon mari et je suis allée en ligne pour rechercher un lanceur de sorts pour m'aider dans ma situation. J'ai rencontré le Dr Amiso et je lui ai tout expliqué sur ma situation. Il m'a dit d'être comme un oiseau patient qui attend pour voler. Une semaine après le contact, mon mari est rentré à la maison et a couché avec moi ce soir-là. J'ai informé le Dr Amiso à ce sujet et il m'a également dit d'attendre la bonne nouvelle. Trois jours plus tard, je suis allé à l'hôpital et j'ai découvert que j'avais conçu cette nuit-là et que j'étais enceinte. Je suis très heureux d'écrire ce témoignage classique pour informer le monde entier de ce grand lanceur de sorts. Si vous vivez des problèmes de santé ou des problèmes conjugaux, si vous voulez être reconnu dans le monde, même vous marier à l'amante de votre choix, tomber enceinte sans fausse couche, ne pleure plus, j'ai découvert que prendre la phytothérapie Dr.Amiso était mieux aucun effet secondaire, vous pouvez également contacter Dr.Amiso sur
