Thursday, 30 November 2017

Voices from Donga Mantung predict Disintegration of NOWEFU!

-Say election of new NOWEFU President General is plan to keep post of senator away from Nkambe Central.

The election of HRH Ibrahim Jabo of Nkambe as President General of NOWEFU seems to have spilled open the Pandora’s Box.  NOWEFU is being ripped apart by what some quarters refer to as political intrigues for personal gains. One of the voices crying foul are the Youth of Donga Mantung through the medium Donga Mantung Youth Voice. According to a publication on this medium after the pronouncement of the identity of the New NOWEFU strongman, the “choice of an illiterate President General of NOWEFU from Nkambe who will not qualify to become a senator is designed to politically sideline a fon from Nkambe Central or Ndu Sub Divisions from becoming a senator in the future.”

The premise of their positing is explained by this publication in the following manner. “According to the revised edition of the 2016 Constitution of NOWEFU Article 12 (same article as in the revised edition of 2011, which had provided for one President General and four assistants) now provides for one President General and four Vice Presidents General. This means that the position of President General for NOWEFU has been downgraded and the ground work for the election of an illiterate for that post has been hatched. On the other hand, it will be unwise to elect an illiterate Donga Mantung Fons Union DOMAFU candidate who does not meet the minimum requirements to qualify for President General as stated in Article 8 chapter 11,decree no. 77/245 of 15th July 1977 on the appointment of chiefs “candidates must meet the physical and moral conditions required and must as far as possible know how to read and write.” Unknowingly, the preamble of the 2016 has recited the decree above.
Senator Fon Teche with President Paul Biya

The publication which also appears on Donga Mantung Youth Voice’s Whatsapp group describes it as a plan with HM Senator Fon Teche Njei II behind the scenes. It runs thus; “the exposure of the hatched plan by HM, senator Fon Teche Njei II to use political intrigue posturing to cling to his position as Senator. This will simply be achieved by electing him as President of NOWEFU General Assembly because the revised 2016 constitution states that “The President of the General Assembly shall be elected from among former Presidents General during an elective General Assembly which automatically qualifies him for that position.”
This outburst by Donga Mantung Youths through Donga Mantung Voice has equally brought to the surface a possible rift between Wimbum Speaking people of the Division alongside Ndu Sub Division on the one hand and the non Wimbum speaking people mainly those of the Nwa Sub Division on the other hand.
“Worthy of note is the fact that such a political clique within NOWEFU which includes some political elites from Donga Mantung resident in Yaounde but not of wimbum speaking stock wish to elect a President General from Donga Mantung who will not qualify for future senate seat…. following the death of Senator Jikong Stephen Yeriwa who doubled as the Fon of Jato village in Nwa Sub Division of Donga Mantung Division. One could rightly state that the choice of a senator from Nwa Sub Division and today’s choice of an illiterate President General of NOWEFU from Nkambe who will not qualify to become a senator is designed to politically sideline a fon from Nkambe Central or Ndu Sub Divisions from becoming a senator in the future.”
NOWEFU has constantly been the target of criticism for having no achievements to write home about with regards to meeting up with the expectations of the traditional communities of the NW Region since inception. With the proliferation of these open declarations which is not helped by the aim behind the planned Yaounde trip of the new President General, seems to be on the brink of disintegration because of politicking. The justification for its existence is questionable as it has also failed on a number of instances to condemn problems resulting from the “Anglophone Crisis.”   

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