Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Security issues are resolved and GCE registrations will be on course at GBHS Atiela- Principal


Anang Joseph, Principal GBHS Atiela-Bamenda
Anang Joseph, the newly appointed principal of GBHS Atiela in the Bamenda III Municipality has stated that though school resumption on the 4th of September was very timid security issues have been resolved and GCE registrations will be on course. He intimates that it was a big worry and to get things going, he and his team employed a number of tactics to get children to the classrooms. “We held a meeting with the Parents Teacher Association Executive Committee, the School Council, Staff, the Administrators and several times with the Chiefs of the area and all other stakeholders to make sure that children went back to school.”
He confirmed that his move paid off and that enrollment had risen to 1300 by the end of October when the Divisional Officer for Bamenda III, Sone Clement Ngoe was making his first Contact Tour of services in Bamenda III.
Another daunting task the principal said was that of getting students to pay their fees or register. “This remains a big worry because we cannot run the school without funds. With such a situation, the security of students is not guaranteed because when students are not registered and are attending classes, their security is not guaranteed. We are now planning to invite parents and convince them to get children registered.”
To combat the fear factor, the principal said he made it known that the problem affected them all equally. He said he told the teachers to begin by sending their own children to school. So when the parents saw their children in school they felt encouraged sending theirs. “Security has been beefed up in and around the school campus and I want to assure students of their security. The security so far provided is more than meets the eye because out of the visible security efforts, there is much more. We also have our own internal security in school that involves teachers and administrators and this is done discretely. This guarantees security and fear is less among students now.”
Concerning bringing back normalcy and respect to the GCE, he said children had been briefed on the registration process and on what had to be done and when these things had to be done. “A lot has happened with regards to the catch up classes and students have been told tell their parents that registrations would go on normally.”

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