Thursday, 30 November 2017

SDF MPs’ wakeup calls reassert their role as people’s representatives

-Ushers in New Approach to Parliamentary deliberations

The last Ordinary Session of the National Assembly in Yaounde and the tumultuous circumstances in which it was enshrouded beginning with a mysterious night fire and eventually ending dramatically with a walk out by ruling CPDM MPs in adamant refusal to discuss the Anglophone crises occasioned the chanting calls of MPs of the Social Democratic Front. As the hall emptied itself, SDF MPs resorted to putting across their messages through animated chanting and dancing. The quintessence of their chants was simply the calling of attention to the need for a solution to the Anglophone Problem. This ushers in a new atmosphere of Parliamentarians actually representing the people who voted them and presenting plain truths. 
Chanting SDF MPs in Parliament

This eye opener created an opportunity for Cameroonians to see how Members of Parliament otherwise referred to as “the people’s representatives” practically ran out of session because SDF MPs proposed the discussion of a “taboo” subject. Erstwhile SDF MP Emmanuel Yoyo has described it as a decision by SDF MPs to put an end to the tendency to run away from truth and to reinstate a pro-people approach in Parliamentary deliberations. This he says has come as a booster to the image of the party which many incorrectly thought was being pushed to the background by unfolding events on the socio-political landscape.
Footage on the drama in Parliament and reports on CRTV have sparked off debate on social media on the handling of truth in Cameroon. This has seen known media personalities like Charles Ndi Chia, Kristian Ngah Christian, Asong Ndifor, Simon Lyonga, George Ngide among many others chipping in on what truth that guides the media should be.  According to George Ngidetruth is not a universal notion. People have their TRUTHS, media houses too. That's why western media can easily and without a blink call Mugabe "dictator" and the Pan African media refer to him as "Africa's Hero" against neo-colonialism. Both may be truths, but truths depending on where you stand. That's where editorial policy steps in.” Asong Ndifor chips in countering that “There are no two "truths", just taking sides…All editorial policies are guided by TRUTH and telling two sides of the story otherwise news becomes propaganda.” Meantime Charles Ndi Chia Publisher of The Rambler Newspaper boldly states; “In journalism truth must have cast iron propensities. Truth must be sacrosanct, not situational or relative. Anything else amounts to playing the convenient chameleon.”
While the Anglophone problem rages on, there has been an intensification of Police controls and the checking of National ID cards of travelers in the two English Speaking Regions of the country. Travelers are obliged to come down from their cars and eye witness accounts indicate that even pregnant women are treated in a similar manner. Parts of the town of Bamenda specifically around Sisia in Nkwen have reportedly been besieged by uniformed men who barge into homes in the wee hours of the morning to cart away unsuspecting people who are not in possession of National Identification cards. At press time, attempts to reach the Divisional Officer for Bamenda III in whose jurisdiction this part of town falls failed.
Despite this disruption of Parliamentary Session and the refusal to discuss the Anglophone Crises by a dominantly CPDM Parliament not all CPDM MPs are okay with this stance. CPDM MPs from the North West and South West Regions and a cross section of them from French speaking Cameroon belief in discussions to resolve these crises.

EDEV Web News/ Email: Tel: +237696896001/+237678401408/ +237669542467

Joseph and Grace Awunti Foundation Launches UNSUNG Hero’s Competition

The USUNG Hero’s Dance Competition was on Tuesday November 21 launched by the Joseph and Grace Awunti Foundation within the confines of the legendary Bafut Palace. The launch marked the beginning of a weeklong Dance Competition that brought together Dance Groups from villages within the Bafut and Tubah Sub Divisions.
Josephp Awunti and Divisional Officer for Bafut

Joseph Awunti said UNSUNG refers to a hero that does not get his due. “We know that we have many skilled performers that have not found it possible to see the limelight. This is an opportunity for such talents to be recognised. This serves like a platform where their talents and contributions can have a wider audience.”
Quizzed on a possible link between his event and political ambitions he said “we live at a time when we cannot divorce ourselves from politics. It is a fact that you have to understand the politics of a society before you can find it possible to provide opportunities for the youths. We do know that there are a lot of opportunities that the government has made available that our artists may not be aware of. We can open up these opportunities and some of them can seize these opportunities and move from there.”

The Divisional Officer for Bafut Sub Division Achu George Fru hinted at the difficulties encountered to make it possible for the event to take place in the Palace. The seasoned administrator said the event also fell within his familiarization tour of services in Bafut Sub Division. His main message in schools he said was that security would be added onto what already existed to guarantee the security of children in school.
Achu George Fru encouraged dance groups from Bafut and Tubah to participate as there were very juicy prizes to be won. Huge envelopes of FCFA 1000.000 had been reserved for dance groups in Tubah and Bafut respectively he intimated. The Divisional Officer further encouraged the formation of youth groups that will uphold and preserve culture and not groups that will instead destroy it. “Our languages should be spoken as a way of maintaining them and traditional regalia regularly put on to showcase and polish our culture.”
The cultural colouring of the occasion was rich and the event among others was graced by the presence of His Royal Highness Fon Abumbi II.  

EDEV Web News/ Email/ Tel: +237696896001/+237678401408/+237669542467  

Cameroon's Entrepreneurs and Initiatives:

“Politics is a dirty game only for those who are dirty”
Ayafor Napoleon is an Entrepreneur from the Santa Sub Division. He stepped into the world of initiatives since the year 2000 through Timber. In this activity he collaborated with foreign exploiters who did the activity for exportation. It is from 2009 that this young striving Cameroonian ventured into the world of Small and Medium sized Enterprises when he pushed through with his own initiative with the intention of getting young Cameroonians involved as he grew and of fighting poverty along the way. Commenting on his involvement in politics he explains that politics is a dirty game only for those who are dirty. He was interviewed by Fr. Ekongang Nzante Lenjo of EDEV Newspaper. He begins by talking about his company NAPOCAM.

Ayafor Napoleon

Many people identify you with your enterprise NAPOCAM.
Yes, NAPOCAM deals with construction, road works and supplies. We deal with a number of issues in the job market. We are also in the field of Marketing and there are a number of things that we handle at that level. So apart from road work construction we do supply of equipments, office material.
Can you identify some Regions in Cameroon where you have actually been making your presence felt?  
Our main office is at Metta Quarters in Bamenda. You can also find the branch office in Buea at Molyko. I have been working all over Cameroon from the Northern Regions to the South and in Yaounde and Douala. As an entrepreneur as far as jobs are concerned.

AWICCUL Building Bamenda: A handiwork of  NAPOCAM

What can a builder get from you in terms of building materials?
We do designing and if you get to my office, you will find a Technical Director who takes charge of all products. Any work that has to be done is presented to him just like any product or service that is needed. Our services are wide and varied touching on all the domains I just mentioned.
How deep are you involved in road construction generally?
In order to get into road construction in Cameroon I had to start with earth roads. That’s what the company has been doing for the past years but NAPOCAM is now set to get into working on tarred roads.
What has been driving you forward in the way you relate with people and community?
People have the tendency of saying that politics is a dirty game but I think politics is a dirty game only for those who are dirty. I went into politics to see if I could learn something and take it back to my people. In there, I found both dirty and clean people. To me politics is togetherness and working together for the good of the people. The role of Politics is not to make people popular but to bring development through togetherness. I propose politics in which people talk not because they need positions but because they have seen something from which people will benefit if they talk about it.
What message do you have for those you are reaching out to?
To young Cameroonians I simply say you cannot sit at home and expect things to happen. You must get out there in the field and work it out. I try to do what I do perfectly and I call on them to do the same so as to contribute to the growth of our country as I am doing. It is not everybody that can be employed by the government so this should not be the aspiration of young Cameroonians. Apply what you learn in school in the private sector. When you find yourself somewhere you should always adapt and see how you can eke out a life for yourself. 

EDEV Web News: Email/ Tel: +237696896001/+237678401408/+237669542467

Voices from Donga Mantung predict Disintegration of NOWEFU!

-Say election of new NOWEFU President General is plan to keep post of senator away from Nkambe Central.

The election of HRH Ibrahim Jabo of Nkambe as President General of NOWEFU seems to have spilled open the Pandora’s Box.  NOWEFU is being ripped apart by what some quarters refer to as political intrigues for personal gains. One of the voices crying foul are the Youth of Donga Mantung through the medium Donga Mantung Youth Voice. According to a publication on this medium after the pronouncement of the identity of the New NOWEFU strongman, the “choice of an illiterate President General of NOWEFU from Nkambe who will not qualify to become a senator is designed to politically sideline a fon from Nkambe Central or Ndu Sub Divisions from becoming a senator in the future.”

The premise of their positing is explained by this publication in the following manner. “According to the revised edition of the 2016 Constitution of NOWEFU Article 12 (same article as in the revised edition of 2011, which had provided for one President General and four assistants) now provides for one President General and four Vice Presidents General. This means that the position of President General for NOWEFU has been downgraded and the ground work for the election of an illiterate for that post has been hatched. On the other hand, it will be unwise to elect an illiterate Donga Mantung Fons Union DOMAFU candidate who does not meet the minimum requirements to qualify for President General as stated in Article 8 chapter 11,decree no. 77/245 of 15th July 1977 on the appointment of chiefs “candidates must meet the physical and moral conditions required and must as far as possible know how to read and write.” Unknowingly, the preamble of the 2016 has recited the decree above.
Senator Fon Teche with President Paul Biya

The publication which also appears on Donga Mantung Youth Voice’s Whatsapp group describes it as a plan with HM Senator Fon Teche Njei II behind the scenes. It runs thus; “the exposure of the hatched plan by HM, senator Fon Teche Njei II to use political intrigue posturing to cling to his position as Senator. This will simply be achieved by electing him as President of NOWEFU General Assembly because the revised 2016 constitution states that “The President of the General Assembly shall be elected from among former Presidents General during an elective General Assembly which automatically qualifies him for that position.”
This outburst by Donga Mantung Youths through Donga Mantung Voice has equally brought to the surface a possible rift between Wimbum Speaking people of the Division alongside Ndu Sub Division on the one hand and the non Wimbum speaking people mainly those of the Nwa Sub Division on the other hand.
“Worthy of note is the fact that such a political clique within NOWEFU which includes some political elites from Donga Mantung resident in Yaounde but not of wimbum speaking stock wish to elect a President General from Donga Mantung who will not qualify for future senate seat…. following the death of Senator Jikong Stephen Yeriwa who doubled as the Fon of Jato village in Nwa Sub Division of Donga Mantung Division. One could rightly state that the choice of a senator from Nwa Sub Division and today’s choice of an illiterate President General of NOWEFU from Nkambe who will not qualify to become a senator is designed to politically sideline a fon from Nkambe Central or Ndu Sub Divisions from becoming a senator in the future.”
NOWEFU has constantly been the target of criticism for having no achievements to write home about with regards to meeting up with the expectations of the traditional communities of the NW Region since inception. With the proliferation of these open declarations which is not helped by the aim behind the planned Yaounde trip of the new President General, seems to be on the brink of disintegration because of politicking. The justification for its existence is questionable as it has also failed on a number of instances to condemn problems resulting from the “Anglophone Crisis.”   

EDEV Web News/ Email: Tel: +237696896001/+237678401408/+237669542467