Saturday, 1 April 2017

At 32 CPDM Brokers Peace in Northwest Region of Cameroon.

-Billions to be spent in Bamenda in months ahead

Against a backdrop of the Anglophone crises rendered more poignant by ghost towns in the Northwest and Southwest Regions, celebrations of the 32nd Anniversary of the ruling Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement CPDM in the Northwest in general and Bamenda in particular were low keyed. While this came as no surprise, attention was however drawn to the fact that Atanga Nji Paul; Minister Delegate at the Presidency of the Republic for Special Duties came to Bamenda this time around with an olive branch and harping on the theme of this year’s celebration which was “All behind President Paul Biya to consolidate Unity, Integration, Social Peace and Sustainable Economic Performance.” In a series of unprecedented Biblical references Atanga Nji Paul referred to the Holy Scriptures as the constitution of the universe. Calling on CPDM militants not to be afraid he said the phrase “don’t be afraid” appears in the Bible 366 times. CPDM he said preaches peace, construction and consolidation of what has been achieved adding that militants had no reason to be afraid.

In the same vein, in a reconciliatory gesture showing the Northwest that atlast something was being done, it was disclosed that Billions were to be spent in Bamenda in the months ahead on road infrastructure. This revelation was made by Vincent Nji Ndumu, Government Delegate to the Bamenda City Council at the seat of the CPDM Mezam 1A Section at Mendankwe.

Vincent Nji Ndumu sent out a repeated message calling on CPDM Militants not to be afraid insisting that they had to forge despite the difficulties that may await them. “The past is the past and the future is ahead of us. Within the next two months you will see machines working on the Bamenda Babadjou road…” He said it was an initiative of Agence Française de development which he said would be visiting on Tuesday March 28, 2017 for survey of roads to be reconstructed. This he further revealed fell within the French Debt Relief Fund.

Condemning the recent influx of activists into the United States, the Government Delegate to the Bamenda City Council said America was not a place where you run to and think you will get better things after causing trouble home.
In a bid to criticize those passionately supporting the secession of English Speaking Cameroon from La Republique Du Cameroun he pointed the case of Southern Sudan presently being ravaged by war since its separation from the Sudan. He further said Cameroon was one of the best countries in Africa and that any dream in Cameroon was achievable if you worked hard. “Let’s not destroy ourselves because we are presently going towards an abyss” he said.
Cletus Anye Matoya, CPDM Section President for Mezam 1B took out time to explain the concessions so far made by the Government with regards to the demands initially put forth by the striking teachers.  among other things, he said lecturers not versed with the Anglo-Saxon system were being moved for redeployment.
He further called on people to be educated on what the government was doing to solve the problems presented by Anglophone teachers. Without specifying the category of children, he said the number of children going to school in the Northwest Region were on the rise.
Governor of the Northwest Region Adolf Lele L'Afrique, with Atanga Nji Paul and SDO for Mezam Division

The Northwest Region it should be noted had one of the heaviest presence of ministers the Region ever had in an anniversary celebration in the history of the party. The Prime Minister, Head of Government was out in Oku, Professor Ghogomu Paul Mingo, Chairperson of the Ad Hoc Committee was out in Ngoketunjia distributing tracks with 11 points titled “Actions already taken and being undertaken by the Government to resolve the concerns raised by the Anglophone Teachers Trade Unions.” Meantime Atanga Nji Paul took out time to tour three sections of Mezan 1 A,B and C. Email: +237696896001/ 678401408/ 669542467

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