Saturday, 15 April 2017

2018 SDF Presidential hopeful’s campaign banners vandalized by uniformed men.

Two campaign banners of the 2018 SDF Presidential hopeful, Felix Teche Nyamusa have been torn down from the poles to which they were affixed by uniformed men. The second banner was torn down on Saturday April 8, 2017 according to revelations made during a press briefing organised by the 2018 Presidential hopeful at 10 am on Palm Sunday. Felix Teche Nyamusa revealed that those who brought down the banner on Saturday were identified as Police men by eye witnesses.
Felix Teche Nyamusa

According to a Press release signed by Felix Teche Nyamusa “a truck filled with policemen descended on my campaign material in the North West Region and destroyed them!” According to the Presidential hopeful, such reactions from uniformed men are panic signals from the regime in place. Considering the fact that these campaign banners were paid for at the Bamenda City Council, he is of the opinion that the City Council Agents who mounted the banners were supposed to make sure the banners stayed in place. “We will certainly be calling on the city council or government delegate to account and pay for this criminal action!”
The press release further disclosed that the banner destroyed by the police was placed on Commercial Avenue in Bamenda II and that the material on it was written in both English and French as part of campaigns for internal elections within the Social Democratic Front SDF. The material on the banner ran thus: “Vote Felix Teche Nyamusa, SDF National Chairman. For two states Federal Cameroon! No to Anglophone marginalization! No to Francophone marginalization! May God guide an intergral Cameroon.” “Votez Felix Teche Nyamusa, President National du SDF pour un Cameroun à deux Etats Fédérés. Non à la marginalisation des Francophones. Non à la marginalisation des Anglophones. Vive le Cameroun integral.”
Prior to his becoming the SDF Presidential   Candidate for the 2018 Presidential Elections, Felix Teche Nyamusa is aware that he has the arduous task of winning the internal elections within the party and becoming Chairman of the leading opposition party the Social Democratic Front.
Commenting on the build up to the 2018 Presidential Elections within the Party, Teche Nyamusa said “My party, the SDF’s Elective Convention earlier scheduled for April 2017 has been postponed but campaigns are of course not called off! We SDF have little time for campaigns for the 2018 all important polls.” Complaining that the decision to postpone the elective convention wasn’t strategically very correct he said “campaigns have to be intensified considering the crooked nature of the ruling, ruining CPDM regime whose chairman President Paul Biya in addition to using State funds for campaigns and election bribing, can precipitate the polls! Commenting on the absence of a level playing field for everybody he said “like teachers, lawyers, doctors we will embark on the Cameroonian Constitution as last resort to stamp out CPDM manipulations,” adding that he was ready to lead this revolution cooperating with good willed Cameroonians and genuine political parties.
Cognizant of the fact that the SDF had not yet endorsed the two state federation as the official quest of the party, Felix Teche Nyamusa said his quest for a two state federation within the party could not necessarily be seen as an attempt to create diverse ranks within the party but rather as his own way of making the party and its militants to be aware of the fact that there exist alternative and better choices for the party. This awareness of the possibility of making alternative and better choices he said will certainly make it possible for him to be voted as the next National Chairman of the SDF; a prerequisite for him to stand as the SDF Presidential candidate for 2018. +237696896001/678401408/669542467

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