Sunday, 18 December 2022

National Polytechnic University Institute 2022-2023 Matriculation

Hard Work Prescribed as means For Students to Achieve Dreams

By Francis Ekongang Nzante.

Nine Hundred and Eighteen Students who got matriculated at the National Polytechnic University Institute in Bamenda on Friday the 16th of December 2022 have been called upon to work exceptionally hard so as to achieve the lofty dreams that pushed them to seek for admission at the Higher Institution of Learning. This advice was given by the guest speaker at the matriculation exercise Miss Emma Akob. 

This maiden motivational speaker at any matriculation event at the National Polytechnic University Institute told the matriculating students that dreams must always be accompanied by hard work because without hard work dreams could hardly ever be achieved. The young guest speaker called upon the students to consider failure as part of success. Failure she said wasn’t the opposite of success but rather an ingredient which brought you closer to it.  She admonished the students to develop their natural individual talents and urged them against the tendency to be conformists.

Mr. Yong Jacques Greeting newly installed Student Government

The matriculation exercise was administered by the Vice Chancellor Akob Christopher Apana PhD and the main activity here was the taking of the Matriculation Oath.

Another highlight of the occasion was the issuing of Admission Letters to the newly registered students. The Students were reminded that just like in any other Anglo-Saxon University in the world, registration at NPUI meant a contract had been signed between them and the institution. Admission Letters are the most important documents that are issued to the students following their registration according to that same Anglo-Saxon Tradition.

Taking Matriculation Oath

As explained by the Registrar, Mr. Adu Francis Ngala, all freshmen were immediately served their Admission Letters. The other newly registered students at the Masters level among others he said would be served their Admission Letters after scrutinising their files at the University of Buea.

The all important duty of issuing Admission Letters was executed by Mr. Yong Jacques, the Director of the institution. During the event, Admission Letters were given to the first students who got registered in the various schools or departments for the 2022-2023 Academic Year. The rest of the students were served with their Admission Letters just after the event in their various departments.

The next important component of the busy day at the National Polytechnic University Institute was the installation of the new student's Government. This was carried out by the school administration led by the Director Mr. Jacques Yong. The newly installed President of the students Government appreciated the dedication of the entire staff of the institution and drew the attention of the students to the motto of the institution which is “knowledge, Service and Self Actualisation.” He discouraged hate speech and xenophobic tendencies and encouraged the students to be selfless. “Ask yourself what you have done for the nation and not what the nation has done for you” he advised.

New Student Government

In a brush with the press the Vice Chancellor Akob Christopher Apana PhD expressed his appreciation of the event in the following manner:

Vice Chancellor Akob Christopher Apana PhD,  greeting Student Government

“National Polytechnic University Institute is a place for Academic and Moral Excellence. The Clergy, the university chaplain were all present at this important event to start the ceremony with a church devotion and prayer. This was then followed by the Academic procedures. We've got the best staff around. We have superb infrastructure and a serene environment. All of these contribute towards providing a unique environment for teaching and learning. That’s the secret of our success.”


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