The book Indelible Footprints edited by Francis Ekongang Nzante, a seasoned journalist, writer and founder of CABW; Chamber of Biographers and Writers, was launched in Bamenda on Saturday, February 5, 2022 at the Immaculate Conception Cottage, retirement home for Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese on the Archbishop's Hill at Big Mankon in Bamenda, Cameroon.
The ceremony was preceded by Holy Mass which had as major highlight the blessing and inauguration of the Immaculate Conception Cottage and Grotto within the retirement home premises. The spiritual event brought together priests, religious, lay faithful and family members of the Archbishop Emeritus from far and near. The day ended with the book launch ably coordinated by Odette Nchanji Akebegho. The book titled "Indelible Footprints" is a biographical narrative on the life and Ministry of the retired archbishop of Bamenda. The book is a product of the collective effort of a cross section of Religious in collaboration with Francis Ekongang Nzante, Director of the Chamber of Biographers and Writers, CABW.
It was
reviewed by three literary minds. First, Veteran Journalist, Dr. Ngobesing Suh
Romanus, followed by Madam Yaya Dolores and literary guru Tameh Valentine. Here
is the first review in its entirety titled "Indelible Footprints - The man
at the center of the book" by Dr. Ngobesing Suh Romanus:
Blessing the Grotto of the Immaculate Conception
The book Indelible Footprints is about the life and Ministry of an outstanding and exemplary man who today is the Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of Bamenda. For 46 years of Priestly Ministry and 35 years of Episcopal Ministry, this man impacted the Church in a way that will be remembered in the Church in Cameroon, especially in the Church Province of Bamenda, and particularly in the Archdiocese of Bamenda for a long time to come. This man is called His Grace Cornelius Fontem Esua. Christian Cardinal Tumi once, aptly described him as "a small man ... with a head full of big ideas..."
book is about this child of God with
dauntless courage, who through God's gratuitous gift, became a priest and
Bishop; a shepherd; a chosen one. Fr. Gatien Ngah described him in his 75th
anniversary magazine as 'a miraculous gift in the Universal Church and the
church province of Bamenda."
If you get this book, you will read about a man who by the miracle of God is still alive today and poised to live for many more years to come.
Francis Ekongang Nzante ........ |
You will read about a prelate who has demonstrated the power of God through the survival of death many times; someone whom the Bishop of Kumbo Bishop George Nkuo describes as a man who is "dedicated and indefatigable" who has made "an enormous impact" in the Bamenda Provincial Episcopal Conference; who is the "architect of the Provincial Pastoral Plan and its implementation."
Dr. Ngobesing Suh Romanus ...... |
will read about a man who, as a bishop and Archbishop,
had "great pastoral stamina and
bravery"; a man who had "admirable grace to face challenges and not
be defeated easily." A man whose "love for the church," Bishop
George Nkuo says, "conquers all."
will read about a man who, as Archbishop, "experienced joyful, sad and
trying moments, " but "remained faithful in carrying out the will of
God"; a man who taught those around him, if we go by Bishop Agapitus of
the Diocese of Kumba, "the spirit
of determination."
will read the story of an Archbishop Emeritus whom the current Archbishop of
Bamenda His Grace Andrew Nkea says, rendered "selfless and devoted
services in the service of the Lord." The Archbishop goes on to tell us
that many of the realisations that we enjoy in our local church today without
were architected by him. This is an Archbishop emeritus who was and remains, in
the words of Bishop Michael Bibi of the Diocese of Buea, "a gift to the
book you are soon going to own, is about an Archbishop Emeritus whom the
Archbishop Emeritus of Garoua, Antoine Ntalou, described once as "A
courageous pastor ".
Fr. George Ngalim who served under him as Vicar General adjunct once described
him as "a man of vision and conviction".
his part, the vicar for the laity under
him, Fr. Michael Kintang says, he "had a special grace in empowering the
laity and engaging them to give their
best to their local church and beyond."
Bonaventure Ndong says
Emeritus Cornelius Fontem Esua, as
Archbishop, was "fully human, full of patience and humour, down to earth,
practical, dedicated to his work, with a
special gift of listening and tolerance..." That he was "a shepherd
after God's heart."
On his part, Father Zephyrinus Yem Mbuh
describes him as
"A rare human being" with "incredible foresight and committed
to explaining his position tirelessly when faced with short sighted
criticism..." A man whom "Even illness did not seem very strong
enough to defeat; a short man with giant steps."
is the man this book celebrates - a pastor who, to quote Fr. Samuel Tabeson, of
the Provincial Episcopal Commission for Catechesis and pastoral Affairs, was
the "brain box and main architect of the Provincial Pastoral plan."
book is about a pastor who was and is unwavering in his faith; who has lived a life of prayer; whose
tenacity of faith is admirable. You will read about a man whose flame of the
fire of faith glowed and continues to glow. This is a book about a spirit
filled man who has accomplished great things for God; an instrument for God's
work; the light in God's vineyard. You will read about a man whom God has used
mightily and continues to use for the purpose of the kingdom. You will read
about someone who radiates the presence of God in his life.
is absolutely important for us to read this book so that we can learn to be
better instruments for Gods work; so that we may draw inspiration from this
great servant of God to live holier lives; so that we may learn from this great
man of faith how to rise up to the challenges of our times.
this book will enable us to learn from this pastor how to keep connected to God
through daily prayer.
we will learn from the faith experience of Archbishop Emeritus Cornelius Fontem
Esua when we read this book, will include, to fully give ourselves to God. His
life, when we read this book, will teach us to feed on God's word, to open
ourselves up as instruments for God to use.
will see why Sister Jacky Atabong calls him the bestissimo.
what she says. She calls him, " mentor, model, spiritual guide, parent,
servant leader, friend, and the translation of God's presence" in her
life. Read the book to see why she is so profuse in her praise. I can only give
you the tip of the iceberg.
calls him a man who is "objective, focused, and not afraid to say or hear
the truth "; a man who, while Bishop and Archbishop, knew "when to be
tough, yet understanding, hard, but supportive, challenging yet protective,
disciplined and compassionate."
her again, talking directly to him, "You refused to sit on the fence, or
make false compromises for any reason, even at the cost of your life".
This is a man who never bought into "cheap popularity, trying to please
the crowd." These, again, are the words of Sister Jacky Atabong, Sister of
St Therese and a niece to him.
had the blessing of being appointed by him when he was Archbishop, as the
pioneer Manager of Radio Evangelium and that offered me the opportunity to know
him better. I can tell you he knows more about the field of broadcasting and
communication technology than many of the most renowned professionals.
can never more strongly urge all of us to make sure that we leave from here
with our copy of this book and also get copies for our friends and relatives.
Also very importantly, let us support the author who has taken pains to reveal
to us a man with whom we lived and worked for so many years, but only knew
superficially. Let me assure you that so many years of evangelization and
pastoral work have been captured in a few captivating pages. Indelible
Footprints is a job well done. Enjoy your reading.
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