Friday, 21 January 2022

Anglophone Elite Caught in The Web of Crisis in Cameroon

-Killings on the Rise

The Anglophone Crisis that is presently raging in the two English Speaking Regions of Cameroon have put outspoken English Speaking elite and those who constitute the academia in a very precarious situation. They are caught up in a deadly war that has practically narrowed down to targeted killings.

Victims have so  far included University lecturers, Members of Parliament, Senators, Social activists, the clergy, traditional leaders, Secondary school teachers and school children.

While the Yaounde Regime has stepped up it’s security measures in a bid to clamp down on Separatists fighters, ideas that are considered as subversive have become completely unacceptable. Many Cameroonians are as such becoming unacceptable in their own country both by the regime and the Separatists because of the way they think and act.

Many who fall in this category of unwanted people unfortunately included people who have sincerely looked for concrete ways to solve the Anglophone Crisis. Sometimes their proposals are considered unacceptable by the Yaounde Regime because they recommend that the root cause of the Anglophone Crisis be addressed. Their proposals are also sometimes considered unacceptable by the Amazonian Separatists they sometimes table proposals that suggest that the warring factions should look for middle ground solutions in order to bring an end to the bloodshed. Diehard Separatists who want nothing short of an Independent Republic of Ambazonia find such suggestions repugnant and would do anything to eliminate proponents of such proposals.

As the crisis rages on the vulnerable populations are constantly subjected to indiscriminate killings, tortures, rapes, arsons, maiming both from the military and the separatists fighters.

Many advocates of justice and peace like Dr. Kennedy Nyongbela,   Professor at the University of Buea amongst others who are noted for their outspokenness  have been targeted unsuccessfully.  Dr. Nyongbela reportedly joined the Union of Higher Education Teachers on November 21, 2016, and participated in the protests against what they called the government’s continuous undermining of the Anglo-Saxon system of Education and the English-Common Law. When the Yaounde Regime cracked down on them many Lawyers like Barrister Mbutong Bobga Harmony and Journalist like John Mbah Akuro amongst many others took refuge abroad. Many of them however remained home.

Moderates like Dr. Nyongbela to begin advocating for justice and peace for English Speaking Cameroonians constantly referred to in some quarters as Southern Cameroonians.

 The Anglophone Crisis has been described in the media as the “little-reported genocidal war”. In a recent communique, Mr. Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh, Secretary General at the Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon, ordered the Minister of Higher Education to provide the names and phone contacts of University lecturers of the Universities of Buea and Bamenda. This move which according to some quarters is a simple security move is considered as threatening by that outspoken and unwanted class of lecturers like Dr Nyongbela who were vocal everytime atrocities like  the shooting of the innocent 5-year  Caroline Ndiale in Buea and  little Tataw Brenda in Bamenda.

It should be noted that Dr. Nyongbela who was awarded the US government Fulbright Fellowship in 2019, is currently in the US as a IIE-SRF Scholar at risk Fellow.

As the war rages on, the military has been more trigger happy towards young Anglophone boys whom they tag as separatists fighters because most of the fighters are reportedly of that age group.

On the other hand separatists have tagged everyone not confirming with their complete separation orientation approach as a collaborator of the Yaounde and as an enabler. There is practically no hiding place.

This situation has become unbearable especially to Anglophone scholars who speak out against the assimilation and other injustices. A case in point is the recent murder of Barrister, Senator Kemede, a SDF fire brand member of the Upper House of Parliament, who was shot to death by unidentified gunmen. These wantom killings and arrests explain why many English-speaking scholars are at large and seeking refuge in foreign  countries.

The end of the conflict is no where in sight as on Ground Zero the Scotch-Earth Policy is on course with increased fighting in urban areas.

Edecation and Development News




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