Monday, 13 December 2021

Causes and Consequences of Bushfires

The Case of The Kilum Ijim Forest in Oku, Cameroon.

According to a document produced by the Cameroon Gender and Environment Watch CAMGEW Team crew headed by Mr Wirsiy Emmanuel Binyuy titled “Prevention and Management of Bushfires around the Kilum Ijim Forest in Cameroon” the causes of Bushfires are wide and varied and the consequences are far reaching touching mostly on the Biodiversity of the area under focus. Of course it is a problem that is not restricted to the area under focus but the references in this article will come mostly from the area under focus because of the availability of a comprehensive Information Database.

Bushfires are caused by hunting that is done in and around the forest area. Traditional hunting methods around the area can cause Bushfires.

Secondly, Slash-and-burn farming methods that are used by farmers either with an intention of gaining more land or as a way or method to prepare for planting has contributed to the outbreak of Bushfires in the area.

Grazing that is carried out by grazers who do not possess skills in Improved Pasture Cultivation always involves burning the grass with an intention of getting new vegetation for their animals. This activity which is done annually by grazers in this category  is a major cause of Bushfires.

Another major cause of Bushfires is poor honey harvesting methods that are used by some bee Farmers who do not master modern methods because of lack of training in modern bee keeping. These bee Farmers usually do not have the necessary equipment to do harvesting the way it should be done.

Cigarette smokers constitute one of the causes of the outbreak of Bushfires. After smoking, they throw away the unextinguished part of the cigarette. This can directly cause Bushfires.

Mentally challenged people living in and around the forest area also constitute a potential cause of bushfire outbreaks. This is because they are constantly in need of fire to either cook their food or to stay warm.

There are also Bushfires that occur as a result of settling of scores within the community. Some members of the community may be bearing grudges against others and may ignite Bushfires in order to inflict pain.

Concerning the consequences , Bushfires around the Kilum Ijim Forest area and the Bamenda Highland Forest in general destroy forest biodiversity, water catchments and affects Bee Farmers since it burns their beehives.

Bushfires harm and even kill people. They act as a deterrent to research work and burn farms. Bushfires destroy the source of livelihood of Forest users.

The fact that Bushfires have the capacity to destroy biodiversity, burn farms and other sources of livelihoods, means that if Bushfires are not stopped they can intensify poverty and increase unemployment in a society which is already very fragile and still struggling to free itself from the claws of poverty.

Other consequences of Bushfires include the possibility of it resulting into conflicts such as Farmer-Grazer Conflicts as well as Grazer-Bee Farmer Conflicts.

In Farmer-Grazer Conflicts, grazers always burn vegetation annually to get more vegetation for their animals. The fire may sometimes stray into a farm or into the forest. If it strays into the farm it will burn the farm and in that case a conflict between the farmer and the grazer will be unavoidable.

It may occur the other way round. Farmers usually carry out Slash-and-burn methods. The fire may also stray into grazing land and burn vegetation that was meant to be food for the animals. Such a situation will inevitably result in Farmer-Grazer Conflicts.

Grazer-Bee Farmer Conflict occurs when a grazer burns the vegetation to get a better pasture for his animals and then the fire strays into a forest hosting beehives. This means that the beehives will all be destroyed and the resulting consequence is a conflict.

This reporter caught up with Wirsiy Emmanuel Binyuy, CAMGEW Team Head and Sevidzem Ernestine Leikeki; Forest Social and Women Empowerment Officer. Both of them said that these communities suffering from constant Bushfires should be on the alert especially at this moment when the peak season for Bushfires was already around the corner.

Mr Wirsiy Emmanuel called on Community Members of the Kilum Ijim Forest Area to pay attention to the Traditional causes of Bushfires and to work in a collective fashion to pre-empt them and their disastrous consequences. Hear him; "the whole community as a collective should be alert and sensitize Farmers who traditionally use slash-and-burn farming methods. They should closely watch grazers and collectively convince them to stop burning. It is the collective responsibility of the community members to put a keen eye on mentally challenged people and smokers in their communities. Experience sharing is very important so those with more experience in managing bushfires should share their know-how especially at this time that Bushfires will soon set in."

Madam Sevidzem Ernestine Leikeki thanked Green Livelihoods Alliance GLA and Women Engage for a Common Future WECF for their financial donations which she said has gone a long way to help CAMGEW  in its sensitisation efforts on Bushfires in the Kilum Ijim Forest Area.

By Francis Ekongngang Nzante



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