Wednesday, 10 November 2021


Admissions Open for MA Programmes

Admissions are now open for Post Graduate Programmes at the Experiential Higher Institute of Science and Technology Cameroon. This is being done under the mentorship of the University of Bamenda UBa. These Masters Programmes run for two Academic Years with the first year reserved for lectures and class work while the second year is for internships and dissertations. The studies are on campus as well as a blended online and on campus approach.

The Masters Degree Programmes at EXHIST University Cameroon for the 2021/2022 Academic Year include Master of Midwifery Science MMSc. To gain admission a student is required to have a Bachelor degree in Nursing and Midwifery, Bachelor of Science in Nursing or in Midwifery, B.Tech in Nursing or Midwifery or any other equivalent.

EXHIST also offers a Masters of Nursing Science MNSc with a specialisation in Medical-Surgical Nursing (Adult Health). Aspiring students should have a Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Nursing Science or a B. Tech in Nursing.

EXHIST also offers Master of Public Health MPH with a Specialisation in Community Health or Epidemiology. Applicants must be either Medical Doctors and holders of first degrees in different health sciences and Social Science domains.

Mrs Beatrice nee Awato is the Director of EXHIST University, Bamenda. This reporter caught up with her recently at the Bamenda Campus. She amongst other things said “EXHIST University promotes professionalism in various fields of knowledge. We embrace an experiential and holistic styled system of training to deliver top notch values and skills to agile youths aspiring into different professions like health, Education and Business Management. This training model enables our students to graduate with relevant hard and soft skills which will enable them to outsmart competitors in the tensed national and international Competitive job market. To this effect, our graduates confidently compete in work spheres where their competences fit.”

She said EXHIST University has been in existence now for three years. This short stay on the higher educational landscape notwithstanding, the institution has succeeded to assemble an experienced group of lecturers who've been in the field for years. The Director said with the quasi return to normalcy of the schooling environment in parts of the Northwest and South West Regions of Cameroon the numbers coming in for admission was impressive.

Mr Mbah Jerard, Director of Academic Affairs on his part said “certain minimum requirements are needed for students seeking admission. They must be holders of two Advanced Level papers excluding Religion. They should come along with a copy of their birth certificates and National Identity Cards. For transferred cases from other schools, a transcript is needed to ascertain the true level of the candidate.”

Meantime Ebenezar Ndakonye, the Assistant Director of Academic Affairs intimated that EXHIST Bamenda runs the School of Business and Finance, the School of Computer Engineering and Networking, the School of Education, the School of Home Economics, Tourism and Hospitality Management, the School of Management and the School of Health Sciences. He said these Specialties run from the HND, Bachelor and Master Degree levels.

Meanwhile, the Director of the institution Mrs Beatrice nee Awato said EXHIST University has entered into partnerships with a number of universities. Hear her: “This university is affiliated to the University of Bamenda and we also have some partner universities in the UK, in the United States and some other African countries.”

Experiential Higher Institute of Science and Technology has Campuses in Bamenda and Yaounde and has the intention of opening up new campuses in Cameroon with the ever increasing need for quality Professional Education that must be there to accompany the development needs of the country.

By Francis Ekongang Nzante




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