Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Prolonged Ghost Towns and Destruction of Property

Mayor Accuses Non Indigenes Of Agenda To Destroy Bali

 By Francis Ekongang Nzante

The Mayor of the Bali Municipality Wandum B. Ernest has pointed an accusing finger for the atrocities going on in Bali at non indigenous people. He has also among other things called on North Westerners to rethink their approach to the ongoing Anglophone Crisis. 

The outspoken mayor said the North West Region was a victim of deep seated manipulation from a group of people whose intentions were not for the good of the region.

He was speaking recently during the visit of the Prime Minister Chief, Doctor Joseph Dion Ngute to the North West Region. He said it was a good thing that the PM followed up his visit to the South West Region with a visit to the North West. He however noted that considering the huge population of the North West Region he'd expected the turn out to be better than was the case. The Mayor further said that most of those who propagated the idea that the Prime Minister should not be received in the North West were dominantly not from the Region. “We always obey what they say but I think the North Westerner has to rethink his approach to the crisis and understand that there is some manipulation some where. I am afraid to say this but the North Westerner will turnout to be the only loser in the whole game. It is good that the Prime Minister has come and we are going to collaborate and work out this thing with him so that we come out with a solution especially in the North West Region. Numerous Lockdowns have been carved out and imposed on North Westerners. It is high time and they should be stopped.”

Turning to his municipality in Bali where the effects of the Lockdowns have been ravaging the Mayor said the belligerents in the so called war can hardly be understood. “Even if you give them gold and silver, they will not desist from this war. There seem to be a hidden agenda that is beyond human comprehension.”

Reverting to the reorganization of the basic organs of the CPDM, he said everything went on well in Bali. He said the people saw that there was something in him that could be useful in pushing Bali forward and that’s why they placed confidence in him.

“My major wish is for peace to return. It is the absence of peace that has disturbed the realisation of our projects. How can projects be realised when people have decided to destroy roads and property and give a very bad image of the Bali man outside... These people have a very bad agenda which is to destroy Bali. I believe there are people behind this thing who are not from Bali. How can Bali people cut off one of the best roads in the North West Region. We are investigating to get to the bottom of the matter. How can Bali people destroy their own road cutting through the tarr! It is true that education was stopped but this was in the whole Region. Bali has distinguished itself by going too far to the extent of stopping the Church from functioning!”


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