Friday, 8 January 2021

Ngufor Peter Says Biya still has Five Years to Make his mark,


-Insists Ahidjo's Legacy shows he left no mark. 

By Francis Ekongang Nzante

The Chief Executive Officer of Farmer’s House, Mr Ngufor Peter Njontor has declared that the next five years remain the most crucial years in the reign of President Paul Biya as President of the Republic of Cameroon. The President he said had an opportunity to leave a mark by doing something that he would be remembered for. 

This he said could only be achieved if he handled the issues presently disturbing the country in the best possible way. He suggested that to do this the President needed to collaborate with his cronies like Adolphe Modiki amongst others who truly had the interest of the nation at heart. He was speaking to the media on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 at the Head Office of Farmer’s House in Bamenda in reaction to the President’s End of Year Message to the Nation.

The CPDM bigwig cum entrepreneur said the previous President of the Republic never made a mark  adding that unlike his predecessor President Paul Biya still had the opportunity of doing so in the remaining five years of his mandate.

Further commenting on the message of the Head of State he said he felt the speech should have taken a much more appeasing tone considering the hardships and stress that Cameroonians had gone through in 2020.

« As Cameroonians, what we expected was some form of appeasement from our father. » Emphasising on the critical nature of the next five years Mr Ngufor Peter said « We all know that the President has been in power for almost fourty years and we all know that he has been in all sorts of difficulties and that he is ruling a country of 25 million people. When addressing the nation he should know that not all the 25 million Cameroonians are his enemies. The next five years are critical because he can use them to make his mark. To be honest with you, our first President did not make his mark and we will not want his successor to also leave without making his mark. That’s why I am insisting on these five years and five years is quite a long time. It can also be a very short time. He should take advantage of the five years that he has to impress on Cameroonians. »

Commenting on what the Head of State said about the growth of the Cameroonian Economy the CEO of Farmer’s House said it wasn’t only the Head of State’s responsibility to push the Economy forward. The issue of ameliorating the economy he said, was every body’s business. « The President cannot just decree an improved economy. We have to work and to work we need an enabling environment. So many things need to be put in place. Since he has made that statement, we hope that he follows it up with actions that will create an enabling environment since a stable Economic Growth cannot just be decreed. »

He said for the economy to truly grow, everyone had to participate to make sure that it became a reality he said. 

Quizzed on whether he could accept the position of becoming the independent consultant for the Northwest Region if the opportunity were offered him, he answered in an unequivocal negative. Hear him « I have always told you people and the population that you should never have a hidden interest in any reward before you build the country. Once you have an interest the chances of going astray become very high. I will not accept any position as compensation for anything that I have done.» 

He said having listened to the message of the Head of State he felt it was simply a summary of what Cameroonians and the world had gone through in 2020

since it touched on the COVID 19 Pandemic, issues of National Security, the economy amongst other Development related issues. He however opined that considering that this was almost the only time that the President actually addressed the nation during the year, the message should have gone a little bit further to better connect with the people. The message should be something that sounded more than just a routine he further said.

Edev Newspaper


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