Sunday, 27 December 2020

IVFCam Boss Receives Performance Award for 20 Years of Service to Humanity

 By FEN Lenjo

The prestigious Cameroon Performance Award CPA has been conferred on Mrs Anne Stella Fomumbod, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of  InterFaith Vision Foundation, Cameroon. This was done on Saturday the 19th of December 2020 in recognition of 20 years of  work  at the service of Humanity.

Anne Stella Fomumbod and the media.


According to facts made available by the Organising Committee of Cameroon Performance Awards, InterFaith Vision Foundation Cameroon from when it was founded by Mrs Anne Stella Fomumbod till date has remained steadfast in it’s efforts to protect the Rights of the Woman and to increase the participation of women in decision making. Through the efforts of IVFCam, Laws Protecting the Rights of Women in Cameroon have been passed. A case in point is the “Metta Charter on Widowhood.” Together with dedicated individuals like the Programmes Manager Nigel Mbaya Fomumbod, IVFCam has stayed on course unperturbed focusing on the promotion of Gender Equity and Participation through the Promotion of Human Rights and Democracy at the Grassroots and Advocating for the Protection of Women’s Rights.

IVFCam partners and collaborators recognised for work done with IVFCam by CEO.

Speaking within the confines of Faith Tower at Ntarikon in Bamenda, the National Coordinator of CPA Mr Francis Ekongang Nzante said “the Founder, CEO of Interfaith Vision Foundation Cameroon started her selfless Service to Humanity some 20 years ago, reason for which she is being recognized by Cameroon Performance Awards CPA. When she created her initiative it was called Aid International Christian Women of Vision. The name was changed to Interfaith Vision Foundation Cameroon in 2008. In keeping with it’s mission, IVFCam has been working hard to make sure that wealth and health are made available to the needy and the vulnerable through Feasible and Realistic Actions of Charity and Human Development with an aim of promoting Gender Equity and participation in Development issues with the ultimate goal of improving the Living Standards of the needy and Vulnerable Persons and Communities. While her Programmes with IVFCam are focused on Charity, Development and Humanitarian Activities, her strategy has been that of Synergy with Organisations and Communities. In this manner, she mobilises, networks, capacitates and empowers these Community Partners for full participation. The consistency of her activities for twenty years could not go unnoticed by Cameroon Performance Award.”

CEO in the heart of Keynote address while Programmes Manager looks on


The Founder and CEO of IVFCam Anne Stella Fomumbod reacting after the conferment of the award on her during the occasion which also marked the 20th Anniversary of Interfaith Vision Foundation Cameroon said this was not only a recognition of what they had been doing over the years but also an encouragement to continue serving humanity and transforming the lives of needy individuals and Communities. IVFCam she intimated was now working not only with Communities in Cameroon but had created an international network in some African countries and the United States of America.

She also seized the occasion to present Awards to some hard working collaborators who had accompanied her as she worked for humanity all over the years.

Edev Newspaper


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  1. IVF's achievements over 20 years is amazing. Keep up the good Empowerment and Humanitarian work. Congratulations
