Thursday, 26 November 2020

Prof Enow Orock Enonchong George Recognized for Resilience in Medical Practice.


By FEN Lenjo

Professor Enow Orock Enonchong George, Director of the Bafoussam Regional Hospital and erstwhile Director of the Buea Regional Hospital Annex has bagged the prestigious Cameroon Performance Award. This took place on Sunday November 22nd within the confines of his office at the Bafoussam Regional Hospital.

Speaking during the Award Event, Francis Ekongang Nzante, the National Coordinator of Cameroon Performance Awards recounted some peak moments in the professional life of Prof Enow Orock Enonchong George. Hear him. “From your earlier years of practice at the Akwaya and the Zoetele Sub Divisional Hospitals to your present position as Director of the Bafoussam Regional Hospital, it has been a trajectory of continuous hard work. Step by step you crafted your trade as Chief of Service of Pathology at the Yaounde General Hospital. You eventually became visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Buea and grew within the ranks to become Seniour Lecturer in the same establishment. 

Your appointment as Director of the Buea Regional Hospital Annex came as no surprise and gave you an opportunity to demonstrate your administrative qualities, one of which is working in collaboration with partners. With you as Director, the Hospital received four Haemodialysis Machines from Lady Grace Elone of the Elone Foundation in the UK. In Bafoussam with the challenges imposed by the COVID 19 Pandemic you have worked and continue to do so to fight the pandemic. In this race of continuous work, you have a rich record of research work.”

Harping on the unforgettable moments of his professional life Prof Enonchong recalled an operation that he carried out on the wife of a Pastor about 30 years ago in Akwaya under near impossible conditions. He described it as “Razor Blade Surgery” and went ahead to state that he was impressed that recognitions for what he has been doing were beginning to come in.

He said at the time certain paper work had to be done for the state to give him a medal in Recognition of his efforts. However he didn’t find it necessary to be applying for a medal of recognition. When good work is done, it should be Recognised and encouraged he said. “If thirty years afterwards, God has inspired you to give me this Award, then I want to express my total joy and thanks. This Award will further encourage me and I want to dedicate it to my patients. I am a Pathologist and most of my patients are cancer patients so I want to dedicate it to all cancer patients in the country.”

The self effacing Director of the Bafoussam Regional Hospital said the person who inspired him to pursue medical studies was an Uncle, Dr Benjamin Mengot who coincidentally was present at the Award Event. He took the spellbound audience that had turned out to witness the event through his tumultuous life as a student struggling to get through school despite all the odds. Next the hospital director journeyed through the early years of his practice fraught with challenges and the final thing that this reporter gleaned from it all was his Resilience. For example, Prof Enow Orock Enonchong George said it took him eight years to become the first English Speaking trained Pathologist. This is a course that normally takes 4 years he explained.

He is the first Professor of Pathology of English-speaking expression in the country and as he puts it, he was encouraged by very pathological minds like the late Professors Mbakop and Anomangu who made him to take interest in research. 

With regards to managing of health establishments, the hospital director said he has always preferred a consensual managerial policy.

“A lot of ground has been covered in the health sector though a bit haphazardly and at a pace that we the scientific minds would like to be improved upon. If you look at the training then the country has covered a lot of ground from a single medical school to eight medical schools. That is quite a lot but where we are having problems is in the training of specialists. We expect that there should be at least five centres in the country for the training of specialists” he said.

He hinted that specific universities could make arrangements for the importation of competences in the absence of specialists.

He also suggested that there should be long term planning in the domain of training of health Professionals.

Edev Newspaper


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