Thursday, 17 September 2020

CPDM Mayors, MPs throw weight behind Quest for Peace in NW


- City Mayor proposes Constitutional Adjustments

 CPDM Mayors, Members of Parliament and Senators from the Northwest Region recently met in Bamenda, Capital of the Northwest Region with an intention of mapping out strategies to bring peace and fight insecurity in the Crisis Riddled Region amongst other things. This meeting came in the wake of gun battles in the heart of the city which claimed the life of atleast a uniformed man. 

Paul Achobong Tembeng, City Mayor of Bamenda, in his speech during the workshop called for an adjustment of the Constitution to include clauses that would make sure that crisis such as the one presently rocking the country do not occur in future. The Anglophone Crisis he said had resulted in the greatest Economic Recession ever experienced in the Northwest in particular and Cameroon at large. Paul Achobong further said the time had come for lessons to be drawn and major decisions taken to make sure that such a situation never repeats itself in future. It is in this vein that he suggested that certain amendments be made to the Constitution. He suggested that all Cameroonians should be made to swear their love for the Fatherland and that no group of individuals irrespective of the circumstances should take up arms against the Fatherland. He said provisions should be inserted in the Constitution to make sure  that there never would be any conflict between Tribes or between villages. These amendments he proposed should be taught in schools from Primary Schools and included in school textbooks. The amendments he further said should be published on Billboards and on Public Buildings. 

Harping on the importance of Education in civilization he said classrooms needed to be reconstructed and teachers given some reasonable degree of comfort.

Referring to road infrastructures he cited the deplorable situation of the road entering the Northwest from the West Region. He did not fail to mention the deplorable state of roads in the city of Bamenda which he said had not been catered for due to insecurity for a long time. 

Numerating some causes of the present stalemate in Bamenda he cited misinformation and distortion of information to produce a particular mind frame among the people. He also mentioned the spiritual drifting away of children from worshipping of the true God to the worship of idols and phenomena such as "Odeshi".

The first step towards solving the present problems he said should be the changing of the mindset of the people. For this to happen, all the available media, the churches and the mosques had to be used, he said.

He said he had just co-signed an Administrative Order with the Senior Divisional Officer for Mezam restricting the movement of bikes from Commercial Avenue and Administrative areas. He further said that the City Council would be paying for 1000 Driving Licences for both bike riders and Taxi Drivers adding that bike riders who wanted to become taxi drivers would be aided by the City Council through the provision of Category B Driving Licences. This he said would cost the City Council a collosal sum of FCFA 30 millions which he said was not too much to spend to build a cleaner and safer town.  

The City Mayor said for a change of mindset to be achieved, the support of all the Members of Parliament and Senators of the Region was needed. 

Also highlighted during the meeting was the need for a synergy between the Mayors, Members of Parliament and Senators for their aspirations in the Region to be met with. The aim of the creation of this Platform of CPDM Elected Officials in the North West Region was to brainstorm and seek for ways to better serve the population and in this way regain the confidence of the people they represent. 

This maiden workshop of the platform was dedicated to creating collaboration between Mayors and Parliamentarians as well as between Mayors and Counselors. It also involved creating the much needed collaboration between Elected Officials, the administration and the security Forces as well as a follow up procedure for school resumption in the 2020-2021 Academic Year. It also concerned itself with preparations for the upcoming Regional Elections. 

Senator Regina Mundi who was also in attendance said the present times were most challenging for the CPDM party to implement it's ideals on the field. These ideals she said included the creation of a stable, united and indivisible Cameroon. She called on the CPDM Elected Officials to work as servants and to carry out their duties with abnegation. "Our party aims at all times to transform society for the better" she said adding that as a new breed of leaders, they should be aiming for higher positions. "You are the agents of change and Transformative Leadership demands reliability, honesty and truthfullness" she said. Transformation she said starts at the individual Level explaining that they should be able to give what they expected in life to others. She challenged everyone present to put into practice what has come to be referred to as "Living Together". To do this we have to be each other's keeper she emphasised. 

Most of the Mayors spoken to explained that the role of the Councils was to prepare the grounds for School Resumption by talking to parents about the importance of sending their kids to school. Another identified important responsibility of the Councils was to encourage youngsters who had taken up arms and stayed in the bushes to come out and be reinserted into society.

In attendance at the meeting were all the CPDM Mayors of the Northwest Region as well as Members of Parliament. The meeting was equally attended by the Governor of the Northwest Region Adolphe Lele L'Afrique, the SDO for Mezam Division Emill Moh and coordinated by Honourable Njingum Musa.

 Edev Newspaper


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