Tuesday, 12 May 2020

"Amba Fighters Should Join Fight Against COVID-19" - Mayor, Nkor Noni Council.

Dr Nchanji Germanus Ndi, Mayor of the Nkor-Noni Council has amongst other things called on Non State Armed Groups NSAG in the Noni Subdivision to join the fight against COVID-19. He was speaking recently in Bamenda during a briefing with the media. He begins by stating what the Nkor Council been doing so far to fight against COVID-19.
"My Council has done a lot so far to fight this COVID-19. Nkor-Noni Council started by making the people to be aware that this virus truly exists. We therefore wanted the people to understand that since it is real they have to fight against it. So far, we purchased 506 bucket taps, 356 tablets of savon, Hand Sanitizers and 500 face masks. We distributed this to almost all the villages. Unfortunately some villages have not had it due the situation presently prevailing in the field. Villages like Djottin and Din have not had because the Amba Boys have been a stumbling block to us but other villages with the help of the Divisional Officers and the forces of Law and Order that are in place in Nkor received their own packages."
How have you been sensitizing the people on the preventive measures so far put in place?
I have personally with one of my Counselors resident in the village moved to"Njangi" Houses and talked to them on the necessity of washing their hands regularly. We've gone to "Kwifon" Houses and "Nfuh" Houses and insisted that they should put buckets with water for the washing of hands. We've also gone to market areas where we talked to people in groups of three or four and sensitized them on the importance to put on face masks in the market. 
You certainly have a message for the Noni people and Cameroonians at large in relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
My message to them is that this COVID-19 virus is real. It has killed many people and so all the citizens in Noni and all over the country should take precautions against this virus.
Any message to the Non State Armed Groups?
When I purchased these items and was taking them to the village, they stopped the vehicle, searched it and when they saw the Hand Sanitizers they took theirs. This indicates that they know the importance of Hand Sanitizers. We are appealing that Amba Fighters should also join in the fight against COVID-19. And I think those in my place have accepted and are working with us. 
Interviewed in Bamenda by Francis Ekongang Nzante, Raymond Dingana and Chifu Edward.

Edev Newspaper: email: edevnewspaper@gmail.com/ francoeko@gmail.com/ Tel: +237696896001/678401408

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