Sunday, 4 November 2018

“It is time for those who declared war to stop it”

- Hon Fusi Namukong

Honourable Fusi Namukong, SDF Member of Parliament for the Bafut Tubah Constituency has called on those who declared war on Cameroonians to step in and stop the war. He made this declaration on Sunday November 4th at the Ntamulung Presbyterian Church in Bamenda in an event he organised to give support to Internally Displaced People IDP from Bafut and Tuba living in Bamenda.

The MP said what pushed him to organise the event was his role as the peoples’ representative and his desire to contribute to the well being of his constituency. “I thought it necessary that I should do something symbolic for my constituency. As a representative of the people I thought I should do something symbolic that will show concern for the well being of my people. I know we are highly affected by the crises and most of them living here are doing so under very precarious conditions so I thought it advisable to give a helping hand with a small token.”

Talking about the deplorable situation in Tubah and Bafut, the MP said the large number of displaced people from his constituency living in Bamenda was a reflection of the dangerous situation back home and that it was normal for people to flee from danger.
The IDPs were made up of babies, little girls and boys and older people of all ages. This fact pushed the MP to react in the following manner: “once you can afford three square meals in a day, then you should begin to think about others and that is my way of looking at things. I know that with time others may come in and support in the best possible way.”

Internally Displaced people lineup to receive help

The MP helped the IDPs with Five Hundred 5 Kg bags of rice and Five Hundred packets of maggi cubes so that each person could get at least Five Kilograms of rice and a packet of maggi cubes. “I am just doing what I consider to be the widow’s mite and if others can come in and do better I will appreciate it. I have a very large constituency. Bafut alone has 57 villages and Tuba has four very big villages. I have been taking care of people I constantly meet who have come to me personally for assistance. There are some I am housing keeping in various places and assisting. I try to assist those I can at the extent to which I can go.”
IDPs Queue up to get registered

The MP said the recurrent problems among the IDPs include the lack of places to stay. “Some people have met their children who are apprentices here in town and in a small room you see about 15 people living in it.”
The MP complained that a majority of the young people no longer go to school and stated emphatically that the war was called by somebody and urged that person to call it off.    
Ngwa Clovis one of the internally displaced persons from Bafut described the circumstances that led to his flight from Bafut in the following manner; “Every day the military came shooting guns and even shot at civilians breaking houses and shooting at people. I have lost no family member but I know many people that the military has killed. Amba fighters constantly exchange fire with the military and this makes Bafut completely inhabitable because one might be caught in cross fire.” Ngwa Clovis said he had been in Bamenda for two and a half months and that during this period he has been staying with his friend at Rendez vous quarters in Bamenda.

“I am thankful to Honourable Fusi Namukong for what he has been doing and I call on the government to save Bafut and the North West and South West Regions as a whole from this plight” he said.
The brief event started with a word of prayer and brief addresses from the SDF District Chairpersons of Bafut and Tubah respectively. This was followed by an address from the MP before the hundreds of IDPs who turned out for the event were attended to.   

Edev Newspaper: Email: +237696896001/ +237678401408/ +237667169106

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