Friday, 21 September 2018

Kah Walla calls for a Stop to the restriction of freedom of movement in NW and SW

Douala, 19th September 2018*   

 *Press Release:* 
Stop to the restriction of freedom of movement
in the North-West and South-West regions!!!

 *The Cameroon People's Party* has observed with consternation the attempts by the Biya Government to restrict the movement for citizens of the South West and North West regions in the past few weeks.  

This has culminated in the publication of a communique by the Delegate of Transport for the North West Region specifying questions that persons traveling from those regions will have to respond to, in order for their travel to be authorized. 

The communique is unclear as to which government authority will be asking these questions and will have the power to authorize the movement of law abiding Cameroonians!

 *The CPP* would like to remind the Minister of Transport in particular and the Government of Cameroon in general that the Constitution of Cameroon in its preamble guarantees the following: 

 " Freedom and security shall be guaranteed to each individual ..."
 " Every person shall have the right to settle in any place and to move about freely ..."

At this particular point in our history the persons fleeing the South West and North West are seeking refuge and security.  It is not only illegal, but criminal for Government, which has been instrumental in creating insecurity in these regions, to deny citizens of Cameroon from seeking refuge and security in other regions! 

It is illegal for any government official to create a fictitious boundary within our national borders requiring certain citizens to fulfill requirements for movement while others are not required to do so.

This measure is divisive and exclusive at a time when our country needs to show unity and solidarity to those affected by the crisis in the South West and North West regions.  

 *The CPP* demands that the Ministry of Transport lift this illegal measure immediately and restore their fundamental rights to citizens in the North West and South West regions. 

On another note, it is with great consternation that the *CPP* has received communication from those fighting for the restoration of independence in the South West and North West regions regarding restriction of movement as of September 20, 2018 .  

This communication not only restricts the movement of citizens, but also promises violence to all who will endeavor movement as of that day by air, land or sea.  

It is unconscionable that people who claim to be fighting for the rights of Anglophones, would then put those same Anglophones under threat of violence for the simple act of movement from one place to another.  

The armed groups claiming to fight for Anglophone rights have long crossed the line of human rights violations and acts of terror toward the very population they claim to be defending. 

The mayhem and panic in which the population of the South West and North West currently finds itself is due to the extreme violence of government on the one hand and the extreme violence of armed groups claiming to fight for Anglophone rights on the other. 

This situation is untenable for ordinary women, men and children simply seeking to live their lives.  

 *The CPP* demands that armed groups claiming to fight for Anglophone rights withdraw their orders banning movement in those regions.  

Whatever our political opinions and visions, it is unacceptable that any movement, group, political party or government would deem that they have the right of violence against even one citizen, not to talk of the millions who are affected. 

 *The Cameroon People's Party* calls upon the citizens of Cameroon to demand with determination and without violence that the Government of Cameroon initiate a ceasefire and take the steps and measures necessary to safeguard as many lives as possible at this crucial time in our history. 

These steps include bringing the Biya Regime to an end and entering into a *Political Transition* to begin a dialogue process that will reconcile our nation and enable us rebuild the foundation of our country.  

 *The CPP* stands along with other members of the Stand Up For Cameroon movement ready, willing and able to contribute to this *Political Transition.* 

Long live the citizens of the South West and North West Regions! 
Long live the citizens of Cameroon! 
Long live our blessed nation, Cameroon!

For the Cameroon People’s Party
                                                                       *Kah Walla* 
                                                             *National President* +237696896001/+237652434918/+237667169106/ +237696594138

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