Monday, 2 April 2018

Jakiri Council covers giant strides in Education and infrastructure

Jaff Romanus Verkijika
Against a backdrop of socio-political crises in the two English speaking regions of Cameroon and the inevitable drop in revenue collection, the Jakiri Council under the stewardship of Lord Mayor Jaff Romanus Verkijika has registered impressive records in the domains of Education and infrastructure. This disclosure was made during the Council Session dedicated to the examination and adoption of the 2017 Administrative, Management and stores Accounts on Thursday March 29, 2018.
In the session which took place in the brand new giant edifice that will hence house the offices of the Jakiri Council, Lord Mayor Jaff Romanus Verkijika said despite all odds they had succeeded to complete the long awaited giant project. He said judicious use was made of the resources put at their disposal under very difficult circumstances due to the socio political crises in the Northwest and Southwest Regions of Cameroon.
Considering the acute shortage of educational infrastructure in most primary schools in the Jakiri Municipality, the council constructed two classrooms and Head Masters office and provided equipment as well as benches at GS Kwanso and this took more than 20 million FCFA. The council was also involved in the rehabilitation of classrooms, recruitment and payment of local language instructors, the acquisition and distribution of minimum packages to Government Primary Schools, signing of a convention with FEICOM for the construction of 14 classrooms, offices and seven toilet blocks in seven schools within the municipality.
In the domain of infrastructure, the new council building which hosted the session was a glaring testimony of the councils’ infrastructural achievements. The building Jaff Romanus said had been completed and technically received. In the domain of transport infrastructure a seven Kilometer stretch of road was refurbished including culverts and other transport related infrastructure like drainage facilities. New roads were equally opened up including those around the new council premises totaling about three Kilometers. To ensure the sustainability of these roads 35 road maintainers were employed to work within the municipality for their upkeep.
Apart from education and infrastructure, Lord Mayor Jaff Romanus said the council also did an impressive job in other domains like water supply, health services, civil status registry, personnel, social affairs amongst others.
Commenting on the deliberations that took place, the mayor said “the deliberations of today were authorisation for our retired military people to have space where they can carry out their activities. The other deliberation was concerned with authorizing the mayor to pay its workers through the credit union that will facilitate their payments and will also help them to acquire loans. Another issue was also that of authorizing the mayor to take overdrafts from Banque Atlantique. Rents for lock up shades at Mbokam Market were also deliberated upon.
Other highlights of the session were the launching of updates of the Council Development Plan which was presented by the Global Welfare Association which was selected as the local support organisation to accompany Jakiri Council in the exercise.
The Lord Mayor thanked Development partners like FEICOM, PNDP, SEEPD, the Jakiri population among many others who had helped the council to realise its dreams.

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