Tuesday, 2 January 2018

At Nwa Council Mini Agro Pastoral and Artistic Show

Donga Mantung SDO says rural world is architect for development

The Seniour Divisional Officer for Donga Mantung, Nkwenti Simon has declared that the Rural World constitutes the main architect for the development of Cameroon. He was speaking on the twelfth of December 2017 during the Mini Agro Pastoral and Artistic Show organised by the Nwa Council at the newly constructed market in Sabongari. 
Dr. Ngomfe Loma David Moloh

This important Annual rendezvous was made possible by the Nwa Council and its Lord Mayor Dr. Ngomfe Loma David Moloh with the collaboration of the Divisional Delegation for Agriculture and Rural Development in Donga Mantung.
Describing Sabongari as the bread basket of the North West Region, Nkwenti Simon regretted that the area still had problems of communication which he said was making it impossible for local farmers to benefit from the fruits of their labour. The massive turnout of the population to observe the event he said was an indication that the Sub Division was moving in the correct direction adding that Agriculture, Livestock breeding and craftsmanship remained a way of life in Nwa Sub Division. He further called on the population not to listen to propagators of terror and ghost towns stating that the ghost was not synonymous to hard work but rather to death. “Fetch those involved in any incidents here in Sabongari” he said “and they will be brought to justice.”
SDO for Donga Mantung Division Simon Nkwenti and Lord Mayor Nwa Council cutting the ribbon at the Sabongari Market

He however conceded that Anglophones had genuine problems but said that the government was solving some of them already. He said it didn’t make sense for children to be kept at home and out of school if the problems presented were already being looked into. 

Lord Mayor Ngomfe Loma David Moloh said fighting poverty constituted an important aspect of meeting up with the development goals of the Nwa municipality. The Mini Agro Pastoral and Artistic Show he said was an opportunity for farmers to discover each other and promote competitiveness and that the provided assistance from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development would go a long way to improve upon the activities of the recipient farmers. The Lord Mayor called on the farmers to diversify into crops that are imported into the municipality at the moment like carrots among others. He said traders locally referred to as Buyam Sellams should be discouraged from taking part in the initiative since they were simply middle men.

Ncham George, the Divisional Delegate of Agriculture and Rural Development for Donga Mantung said a total of 527 farmers were presenting about 1113 exhibitions and that almost all those who presented exhibitions were entitled to go home with something. The increasing attention of the government and private investors in agriculture and livestock he said was testimony to the fact that there was a lot of prospect in the sector.
 The Delegate said “just in the last months the government has provided three tons of maize seed to Nwa farmers, a good consignment of fungicides and insecticides to cocoa and coffee farmers, 260 bags of fertilizers to the cocoa and coffee farmers, the ACEFA programme in the Ministry Agriculture and Livestock has provided equipments, cassava grinding mills and warehouses to farmers, GP-DERUDEP has provided 40 000 chitted oil palm seeds and 19 tons of improved rice seeds to farmers and the FAINAP programme has provided 700 kg of improved maize seeds and is giving out 10000 oil palm seedlings to farmers.”
The occasion was graced by the presence of thousands who thronged the newly constructed Sabongari Market from Nwa Sub Division and beyond, colourful traditional dances from the various ethnic groups in the Sub Division as well as Traditional rulers.

Edev Newspaper: Email: edevnewspaper@gmail.com/francoeko@gmail.com/Tel: +237696896001/ +237678401408

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