Friday, 27 October 2017

Bamenda III D.O. promises problem solving approach after maiden Tour

By Francis Ekongang Nzante

The Divisional Officer for Bamenda III Sone Clement Ngoe has promised to tackle problems that were brought to his notice during his maiden Contact Tour organised to meet with services and institutions in the Sub Division. He declared his intentions in the heart of the tour which started on Thursday October 26th

Sone Clement Ngoe with Mayor of  Bamenda III

Kick starting the maiden tour at the Bamenda III Council where he was received by Lord Mayor Fonguh Cletus, the Divisional Officer cruised through the Inspectorates of Basic Education, Sports and Physical Education and Social Affairs among many other services on day one. With a listening ear, he took stock of the problems that were presented to him.
Feni Peter, Sub Delegate at the Inspectorate of Basic Education said despite problems that had marred the beginning of the school year, the number of children in schools were on the rise. He further said about 8.579 pupils were attending school at the moment out of the expected 16.509 pupils. His main worry was that children were not yet in school. Tencha Georges of Sports and Physical Education explained that it was almost impossible for anything to be done because there was absolutely no running credit. Even investment credits he said were absent and as such infrastructure in the office could not be provided for. 
D.O. Sone Clement and Dr. Iwu David

Meantime at the Multi Purpose Empowerment Centre, Sone Clement insisted that children be inculcated with Republican Values such as peace and respect for republican institutions. The very high population of youths he said should be targeted and sensitised to this effect adding that “Cameroon is our nation and we should contribute our quota in building it. From the Nursery and Primary children should begin to respect the flags and symbols of the nation.”
At the Bamenda Regional Handicraft Village the Deputy Coordinator Bih Judith Ndekeh epse Chitoh said “the institution has been facing some difficulties ranging from the social unrest affecting the North West Region in general and the bad state of the access road that hinders the smooth functioning of activities.”

On learning that officials from the Delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development MINADER did not constitute part of the local Land Consultative Board which was supposed to be the case as prescribed by the texts in force, the D.O. said it had to be adjusted stating that “we don’t alter any aspect of the text signed by the highest authourity of the country.” Mbong Mary Immaculate, MINADER Delegate said drainage problems among many infrastructural problems were rendering their job impossible adding that the Delegation kept paying water bills despite the absence of running water in the outfit.
While the D.O. acknowledged that the environment of the huge slaughter house at Mile Four was great, he hinted that there was the need for an improved hygiene and drew the attention of the official from the Bamenda City Council to this fact. Meantime, Anye George, President of the Bamenda Butchers Union harped on the problem of uncontrolled slaughter and sale of cow meat in different parts of the municipality.
Another high point of the tour was the Nkwen Sub Divisional Medicalized Centre popularly known as PMI by denizens. Here, the dynamic ambitious young Director Dr. Iwu David took out time to show the completely transformed hospital with its state of the arts Dental Department. At the time of publication, the D.O. had visited the Special Branch Police Station at S Bend Nkwen, the Nkwen Gendarmerie Brigade under Commander Ewane Peter, ELECAM, ENEO, CamPost amongst many other services in Bamenda III.   

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