Thursday, 27 July 2017

Limbe Paramount Chiefdom Saga rekindled after 12 years in the cold

Pursuant to the commissioning of the New Senior Divisional Officer for Fako on July 18, 2017, undertones of his terms of references as intimated by the Governor of the South West have immediately taken steam as the Limbe Paramount Chieftaincy saga which had become a twelve years cold file is anew making headlines. In a letter delivered by Prince Jerry Nambeke Manga Williams to the Kingmakers of the Limbe Paramount Chiefdom served on a substituted basis copied the Press, the prince calls on them to immediately commence the due process to introduce the successor of the late Paramount Chief, His Majesty Chief Fergusson Manga Williams. He also calls  on  the Kingmakers to assemble and perform the roles and functions ascribed to them according to tradition and the Chieftaincy Law of Cameroon and to prevent the opportunity of individuals claiming the rights of succession illegitimately

. In the letter in which he calls himself the Crown Prince he also frowns on the disbarred Limbe Royal Traditional Council warning them not to dare reawaken the claim of succession to the Limbe throne as founded on the unwarranted principle of rotation but that it is a singular issue of the Manga Williams fief. To get the set up from a holistic perspective the unabridged version of his correspondence of 24th July 2017 is published here.

“This is a substituted service of correspondence to the Honourable Kingmakers of the Limbe Paramount Chiefdom Court area. The Honourable Gentle Kingmaker Fiefs of BonaBile Chiefdom, Dikolo Chiefdom, Bonagombe Chiefdom, Manga Williams, Carrs, Mokebas, Martins, Monjimbos, Burnleys, Wilsons and a carbon copy for the Administration.

It is unfortunate that barely moments following the installation of the new SDO for Fako, individuals have again commenced the somewhat endemic submissions to becoming the Primary Chieftain of the Limbe jurisdiction. Preposterous!!!
Considering the Governor’s appropriate July 2017 warning during the commissioning of the new Prefet  of Limbe in matters of the misguidance these endeavours elect for ingratiation, we are  once more and in furtherance to the salient reminder we had drawn to the attention of stakeholders of Limbe on the propriety to acquit themselves properly in defence of their oaths of enskinment as custodians and or notables through downlink designations respectively, reiterating  to our fellow Kingmakers of Limbe  that the decree of enstooling the Paramount Chieftain MUST be in accordance with the Bakweri tradition of Chieftaincy succession and in recognition of the Cameroon Chieftaincy Law overtly and plain. A focal point of reference are the two probable causes of 1908 tying Johannes Manga Williams (OBE) and 1961 tying Fergusson Manga Williams (Late).
Honourable Kingmen, the roles and functions of the Kingmaker Council is of great importance. Inter alia to sustain the royal  paradigm of continuity (‘Le Mort Saisit Le Vif’) and guarantee the checks and balances of the governing chiefdom, you are of an issue. Implicatively this Council efficiently circumscribes the interference by usurpers and impersonators who may elect to hoodwink the Administration amid moments of its ineffectiveness as it is during the period of 2005 till present and all the misfortunes it underlie. Importantly, this council because it is downlink-able, nominates and produces the succession for enstoolment by the federated chieftains and eventual consultation and decree by the Administration in principle.
Whereas Limbe is a recognized case of established kingmakers where by omission and commission by yourselves the Kingmen and by the Honourable Quarter Heads respectively, formerly skewed the due process; of the one side of the coin, due to the ignorance of the rightful Kingmakers and of the other, ingratiation by the Quarter Heads underlying the status quo where the Manga Williams Family has been constantly indignant and undermined. (No offense implied towards the Quarter Heads. They are Honourable men who have served the nation and Limbe honourably elsewhere.)
Nevertheless, the fresh call to evoke the illegitimate ‘Royal Traditional Council’ which was discharged is of no issue. The same provoked the stalemate when it unwarrantedly assumed responsibility and shoehorned the misplaced footwear of the Kingmakers and forthwith skewed the due process of the sacred Bakweri Chieftaincy succession tenets amid its inferences of a certain commission suggesting rotation. What!!!
Whilst the Paramount Chiefdom of Limbe is inclusive, a clear term of reference is of the essence to the Federated Chiefs, Kingmakers, Quarter Heads in order  to put all misgivings and selfish interests in a box and fasten tight. The problematiques of the city of Limbe are more equal and surreal priority than individuals fancying ingratiation in defiance to and in flagrant delicto contrary to the norms and at the expenditure of the denizens.
Whereof I finally crave and urge with strict overtones the Honourable Kingmakers to without fear or favour, warrant yourselves a commission to forthwith constitute yourselves in view of delivering due process for the matter of the Limbe Paramount Chieftaincy succession and in strict accordance with the Cameroon Law on Chieftaincy and in recognition of the Bakweri Tradition of Chieftaincy succession. At the expiration of the expedient but notable exercise should the Administration be offered the invite for consultation, nay as expedient the call as space and time as may be granted by the Almighty God. I end with the few quotes here-below for your gestation. “Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.” -Harry S Truman
“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.”
― William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
 Sincerely, Tel: +237678401408/ +237696896001

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