Sunday, 25 June 2017

Ngoketunja gives a special touch to International Music Day

While the International Music Day was cellebrated across the National territory on Wednesday, June 21, the Divisional Delegation of Arts and Culture in Ngoketunja under the masterful guidance of the new and maiden Divisional Delegate Nkwenty Ngwei Sylvia gave the event a special touch by organising the biggest assemblage of artists from Ngoketunja in a grand cultural event that attracted the movers and shakers of the Northwest Region on Saturday June 24 at the Ndop Community Hall.

Nkwenty Ngwei Sylvia (Center), Olinga Parfait, and Deputy Mayor for Ndop

Harping on the North West Regional theme of this year’s International Music Day « Music, factor for the consolidation of peace », the Divisional Delegate of Arts and Culture for Ngoketunja said Music was an assembling factor that brings together people from different ethnic and  cultural backgrounds and that the unifying force of music and its potential to enhance peace could not be over emphasised.
The grand music concert she said was intended to promote artists from Ngoketunja Division. She said it was the beginning of a new era which would see a closer collaboration between the Ministry of Arts and Culture and artists from the Division. Ngokentunja she further said is culturally very rich and colourful and coupled with the warm and welcoming nature of the people she believed her aspirations for the Division within the domain of arts and culture would be achieved.

The artistic and musical presentations ranged from short dramatic sketches mostly focusing on peace and social realities, to urban, regea, traditional and gospel music. The music presentations were colourful, lively, rich, diverse and cutting across the country notwithstanding the Ngoketunja origin of the artists.
According to Nkwenty Ngwei Sylvia, the occasion was successfully organised thanks to support from some elites among whom she named H. E. Professor Ghogomu Paul, Honourable Njingum Musa, Honourable Emmanuel Yoyo, Professor Uphie Melo and Moh Sylvester as well as other structures and institutions like Nexttel, Upper Noun Valley Development Authority UNVDA, Heritage Hotel, Maf Construction and Next Day Embroidery.
The unprecedented event brought Ngoketunja artists from all over the country and successfully attracted curious crowds that thronged the Ndop Community Hall to full capacity. The occasion was equally graced by  the presence of Olinga Parfait, the Northwest Regional Delegate for Arts and Culture as well as the Regional Delegate for Communication. Traditional rulers, local administrators and elites from in and out of Ndop also made their presence felt. Tel:+237678401408/+237696896001/ +237669542467 

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