Monday, 8 February 2016

National Bilingualism Day: GTHS Barombi Kang sets pace for the creation of a truly Bilingual Cameroon.

The 14th National Bilingualism week has just been celebrated across the National Territory with multiple Bilingualism related messages flashing across the pages of Newspapers and TV Screens.

 However, the real cord seems to have been touched at the Government Technical High School GTHS Barombi Kang in Kumba where at least eight secondary schools converged to participate in activities commemorating the end of the National Bilingualism week on Friday, February 5. The special message highlighted was the need for Cameroonians to be bilingual at the individual level for Cameroon to be referred to as truly bilingual. This call was made by Madame Mofor nee Yebmini Emerencia who represented the Divisional Delegate of Secondary Education for Meme Division at GTHS Barombi Kang.
Principal GTHS Barombi Kang Mukoto Mewwanu Mbone Elizabeth and Mofor Yebmini Emerencia, Representative of the Divisional Delegate of Secondary Education for Meme
The host Principal Mme Mukoto Mewanu Mbone Elizabeth in her bilingual keynote address touched on the theme of this years’ event “Bilingualism: Gateway to quality education for sustainable development.” She took out time for the sake of the students to explain what this theme meant.
She explained that two official languages give an added advantage for our students and give a better exposure to our education and country to the world. Being bilingual will not only permit us to speak two languages but will permit students to excel in their education.
Principal GTHS Barombi Kang, Kumba

In her bid to further divulge the theme, she said since bilingualism brings with it intellectual richness, it remains the only gateway to sustainable development.  
Mofor Yebmini Emerencia the special representative of the Divisional Delegate of Secondary Education for Meme in her speech said “our struggle for a truly Bilingual Cameroon must begin with our personal efforts.” The Bilingual option chosen by Cameroon she said is the best in a world where English and French are the leading languages for democracy, politics, communication, aviation, Navigation and Science. “Now more than ever before, Cameroonians should stop creating barriers such as Anglophone or Francophone Cameroon. She further explained that the government in a bid to promote quality education for sustainable development has put in place the effective implementation of the special bilingualism education programme which is intended for both Anglophone and Francophone learners of the observation Sub cycle of Secondary Education.
At the end of the activity loaded session at GTHS Barombi Kang, Mofor Yebmini Emerencia said it had been a very effective day with total commitment and collaboration. She said she appreciated the activities which were streamlined to the theme of the occasion. Meantime the Principal of GTHS Barombi Kang summed it up in the following manner; “Today we had a host of schools that were part of this zone. They were eight schools in all. Some of them are CCAS Kumba, GTHS Kumba, KUCAS, Baptist High School, GSS Kang Barombi, Seventh Day Adventist College and a host of others. It was a wonderful day and I think I am happy to have hosted this occasion. My students were so happy accommodating other students here on campus and everybody here at GTHS was ready to welcome them. I want to believe the students and the teachers are going to implement this wonderful idea that came from the Minister.” Email: Tel: +237696896001 

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