Reverend Pue Victor Mabu, The Assistant Area Supervisor and the District Supervisor of the Full Gospel Church in Kumba I. Synod Church Pastor at Bonakama.
I can say that the convention has been very successful even though it is difficult to ascribe perfection to anything organised by humans. We can however say that the convention was about 85% successful. Unlike other conventions, this one was marked with a great turn out and also rich spiritually. The messages were great and the Lord did miracles in the lives of some people. You can see it in the way people are going back satisfied. Many people got salvation as some were living dirty lives and here they regained their position again with Christ. The general theme of this year's convention was "Totally Committed to the task and the Race." We however realised that there were some issues that we had to address like being committed to marriage vows. Nowadays marriages are no longer healthy and people are living in shattered homes. We also realised that Christians were now superficial and not committed to God. Even in their lives, they forget that they are running race and are so careless about the way they live their lives. My message is that we are living in the last days. The events that were mentioned in the Bible that will characterize the last days are already there. 99% of these events are already there and so Christians should be very careful now. We should commit ourselves more to God.
Reverend Koke Aja Orjie of the Full Gospel Church, Down Hill Mbonge Road.
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Rev. Koke Aja Orjie |
In our Convention this year the theme was "Totally committed to the task and the race". I was asked to Minister or to preach on a Sub-Topic "Totally Committed to Generous Giving." For us to carry on the task which is the great commission, the preaching of the Gospel, For us to effectively do it, we have to commit our finances. Christians have to commit their finances or material things so that we can preach this Gospel to all the ends of the world. Few years behind we were concentrated only on Cameroon and some few neighbouring countries. Now the Lord has opened our eyes to know that this great commission covers the entire world. So I am calling on Christians to send their hands into their pockets and Bank accounts and bring out something to support the church. As a listener I was keen when we were told to go and raise the dead. The man further said he had come to teach us how to raise the dead. He made us to understand that if there was any body who had abandoned God the Father who is the creator, then that person is already a dead person. The first commission is that we should raise those who are spiritually dead. It is only in the Gospel of Jesus Christ that they can come back to life.
Rev. Pastor Panswi Timothy of the Full Gospel Church Down Hill Mbonge Road
"I was privileged to be the first speaker in this Kumba I District Convention of the Full Gospel Church in Cameroon. Primarily, the major theme was to encourage, motivate, strengthen and tell Christians to be committed in their relationship with Christ. From there we saw that every relationship has an entrance point and that the entering point into a life relationship with Christ is repentance. We equally saw that as Christians, after repentance, there is the need to go further and be more rooted in Christ, the need to accept the yoke of Christ. "Come to me all that labour and heavy laden and I will give you rest". But he didn't end there for he said, take my yoke upon you and learn of me." We realise that if Christians are yoked with Christ they cannot easily be carried away by the devil or by end time destruction.
The reason why many are falling away is because they come just for miracles and refuse to learn from Christ. They refuse to yoke themselves to Christ. So the central thing on the first day was to encourage and motivate Christians. Looking at the central theme of the convention which comes from Acts of the Apostles Chapter 20, verses 24. Apostle Paul had entered into a hidden relationship with Christ and then it came to a point where he said, " I do not consider my life important but one thing which is a priority to me is to see to it that I commit myself to doing the work that is the burden of Christianity, that is the will of God, what God expects of me. I do not count my self interests to be important but I give all in order to finish the work that God has given to me." His ultimate objective was to enter eternity.
On the last presentation that closed the convention the issue raised is that of raising the dead. Jesus himself before he left said greater things would be done. In John Chapter 15 he again says he is the true vine and we are the branches. So if Christ is correctly engraved in the lives of Christians, then signs and wonders will follow them. Raising the dead is the power and the hand of God. The only thing is that Christians should be committed to God and raising the dead wouldn't be a great problem."
Rev. Simon of Makata Assembly.
The messages that we had here today are timely. Compared with the convention of last year this one has really improved. There is a lot of improvement in the attendance and the people are receptive. The messages met the needs of the people. What touched me most in today's message was our responsibility to raise the dead. I think this has covered all the messages. Even my friends with whom I walk are dead as seen in the illustration of the prodigal son. I am going back to see that I touch them with the gospel so that they can come back to live.
Pastor Chick Venus of the Full Gospel Church, Down Hill Mbonge Road.
I participated in this convention as a Pastor and also as a Christian who also needed spiritual growth and needed God to speak to me. Generally, my impressions are very positive. The Lord has been in this convention beginning from the very first day when we had the introductory message. Our Delegate from Bamenda also gave us what God wants out of people. That inner life, with God working in us. The Bible says we should discern the spirit. In this our time according to prophecy, there will be many prophets but sometimes we are at a loss and we don't know who is a false prophet and who is real. But the spirit that exalts Jesus and that can bring a transformed life into somebody is only from God. The Devil can fake a miracle. It can prosperity, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but it can never fake a transformed life. The inner life that only the spirit of God can touch. Today Reverend Manga gave a strong message that of raising the dead. We were all opening our ears and thinking that from there we will be going straight to the mortuary to raise the dead. God used him to tell us that those who do not have Christ in them though alive are dead. We are commissioned by God to go out and to bring them. I am back into the world to put into practice what we have just received from the Lord.
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