Monday, 17 August 2015

“We will be training Bio-medical maintenance Technicians in 2015-2016 academic year” - CEO EJED Medical Foundation, Kumba

Dr Nzume Gilbert Nkwelle 

Dr Nzume Gilbert Nkwelle you are a General Practitioner and have been running EJED Medical Foundation for the past 17 years. Give us a brief history of your outfit. 

The Foundation was started in 1978 by my late Dad Dr Nzume of blessed memory. He started it purely as a clinic. When I came in 1996 after my studies in Italy, I had worked in PAMOL from 1991 to 1996 when I came to join my father. I tried to see that I put something new. What I brought in was the training of auxiliary nurses. I prepared those who would go in for training in the Government schools so I was giving them hands on experience and medical knowledge that would give them an advantage in writing the competitive exams to become nurses. In 2001-2002, the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training started encouraging me to convert it into a training school. They came in to tell me that I should make it an official school. 

What kind of staff makes your activities possible considering the quasi absence of specialized health personnel in the country?

First of all the EJED Medical Foundation is a General Practice Clinic where we employ nurses of different categories. We have midwives, surgical nurses, and in the domain of facilities we have a laboratory, and a theatre where we offer major and minor operations. My experience has shown me that the nursing field still needs people who are specialized in certain different aspects.  I find that in Cameroon for instance when a person tells me that they need somebody to take care of their relative at home I know they need a nurse who will know about geriatrics that is taking care of the old. We also need nurses who are capable of administering treatment under the supervision of senior nurses. Here we provide facilities in the School of Training of Vocational Nurses, Nursing Assistants and Laboratory Technicians because we know that there is need to continue training those who are grounded in good knowledge in diagnostic facilities in our laboratories. Here we have very qualified teachers most of them who have had Bsc and some Msc degrees because I want to be sure about those who train my students. There are also those who have had years of experience in the profession who are also helping to train. They have been inspired and produced a wonderful plan modified from that provided by the government. The Ministry of Employment had advised us to form an Examination Board. 

What are the kinds of examinations that students who leave your institution take part in?

Here in Kumba, we have a Board called the Meme Board for Health Personnel. In this Board, all the schools which are training Health Personnel have come together to form this board which tests the students at the end. So we have examinations which are done internally in every department and we have a final exam. We also have a general exam organised by the board. As such you get an attestation from the department in the school and another from the Board for having passed their examination. This is how we do to make sure that those who leave here are well armed to face the professional challenges. 

Who are those whom we expect to come to EJED Foundation?

First there are the vocational nurses who have replaced what we used to call the nurse aids. We are giving opportunities for those with First School Leaving Certificates FSLC to also find a place to learn what they like. Those with the GCE ordinary level enter to train as Nursing Assistants and Laboratory Assistants. This gives an opportunity for those with the GCE Ordinary Level be it in Science or Arts to study. If you are of the science you find it easier but for the arts, we don’t limit you because you are put on a programme that permits you to have a background in everything. We are also giving opportunities for those with the Advanced level if they chose to do Nursing Assistance however, with the Advanced Levels we advise that you do but the Higher National Diploma HND programme.

What special things do have up your sleeve for the 2015-2016 Academic year that is just around the corner?

It is going to be a very special year because of the new programmes we have launched. We will be training Bio-medical maintenance Technicians as approved by the Ministry of Vocational Training. These are Technicians who will be trained to know how to repair hospital equipment. They will work in hospital environments like Laboratories, medical resource departments and the sales companies since they will install and maintain the equipments. The launching of the new Academic year will be very busy with students from the various departments. Those for HND, Bio-medical Technicians pioneer badge, Nursing assistants and the vocational nurses. We want to launch the Academic year making sure that the students are given adequate knowledge of what is meant to be in a professional school. Experts will be brought in on the different professions they want to study to tell them the importance of the professions and what the job market stands to offer in the various professions. Like in every other year we are reviewing our programmes with an intention of making them better. So together with my staff we have already put in new things that we are bringing in. These among other things include spiritual drilling.  

Any message to stake holders in the health sector?

We simply want stake holders to know that we will sending out well trained personnel who will prove invaluable in the quality of the services they will provide. Our programmes are being revolutionized according to the needs of the community. We are tailoring them here to meet the responsibilities that they have to carry out when they leave here.

Ngome Richard: Director of EJED Medical Foundation School for Health Personnel.

“We know that the training we do here impact positively on society. We are training health personnel that take care of Human beings so we know the degree of the importance of what we are doing. Here we have a school and a hospital in the same place. So what we do is that we concentrate on their studies blending the theory and the practical since the hospital is there and the school is there. After the first two months of stay in school doing just theory we push you into the practical in the first week of the third month. We make sure that you go to the hospital to see what you have been taught in class so that you can better practice it. When you hear you forget but when you see you remember but when you participate you know. So we make sure that we send out qualified products.” Tel: +237696896001/+237678401408/+237661864369

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