Thursday, 11 June 2015

Limbe: Mokunda Multi Purpose Common Initiative Group launches Tree Planting Exercise


The Common Initiative Group Mokunda Multi Prupose CIG in collaboration with the African Women Network for Community Management of Forests REFACOF on Wednesday June 10 ,2015 carried out a tree planting exercise at Mokunda village within the Limbe Municipality. This activity was in line with the objectives of the 2015 World Environment Day which took place on Friday June 5 under the theme "Seven billion dreams. One Planet. Consume with care."
In a correspondence to the chief of Mokunda from the office of the Regional Delegate of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development for the Southwest Region prior to the tree planting activity, it was explained that this activity was geared towards beautifying the village and reducing the effects of global warming. The planting activity  which took place in the nine quarters that make up Mokunda was carried out by the Meloke youths.

 In a written address presented by the Mokunda Traditional Council on behalf of their chief , the counselors and the entire population of  the village, the villagers expressed their appreciation to the Minister for choosing their village for the exercise. They equally promised to take proper care of the young plants which they said would add more beauty and render the environment healthier to live in. The exercise which involved the planting of ornamental and economic trees received the support of the villagers and saw them participating actively in it.
Ekwaingem Mercy, the Chief of Service for Information, Sensitisation and Documentation at the Regional Delegation of the Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development said "we just celebrated the World Environment Day under the theme "Seven billion dreams. One Planet. Consume with care." As you can see from the theme,the population of the world is 7 billion and the planet remains the same while the population keeps increasing. This means that we have to consume our natural resources with care. We are planting trees in Mokunda village because each citizen is supposed to take part in environmental protection. So we want to involve the youths in environmental protection and tree planting  is the main issue in this activity." She called on Cameroonians to protect the environment for the children adding that the trees that we are enjoying today were not planted by us.

Launching of Tree Planting Exercise in Mokunda by officials from the Regional Delegation

Anastasia Mojoko Forteh, retired from theUnited Nations World Food Programme who presently works for REFACOF as well as the Ministry of Environment and of forestry explained that the Mokunda Multi Purpose common Initiative Group is dedicated to Economic Forestry and Forest Management and that it greatly makes use of the youths who are mostly orphans and widows.

Anastasia Mojoko Forteh planting ornamental trees.

"I try to inculcate in them the idea that it can also be comfortable to live in the village so as to stem the increasing urban exodus. That is why I chose this activity; agriculture and conservation. The main stakeholder of this event of today is the ministry. We have been working with the conservator of the Botanic Garden Botanic Garden,the Ministry of Forestry and Wild Life but the activity of today is part of the World Environment Week which is still going on..Other things that I have done here in Mokunda include the water extension project as well as our being selected to participate in this year's World Environment Day activities. That is why we have dedicated these trees today to the Meloke youths.They are the ones who will live long to see what we did today."

This event which also received some support from SONARA was rendered colourful by traditional dancing, choral singing, a short play focusing on the importance of trees among other things.

Meloke Youths seen here taking part in the launching of the tree planting exercise. Tel: +237 696896001/ +237 661864369/ +237 678401408. Email:

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