Wednesday, 20 February 2019

The Francs CFA Empire on the verge of collapse?


The Francs CFA, currency used in the Franc Zone, a conglomeration of 14 West and Central African countries is increasingly coming under attack within the African countries that use it and from the Diaspora. The anti- FCFA sentiments that have been brewing for decades are now spilling over. The intensity of this anti-FCFA feeling is concretely presented in “The Revival of the Anti-FCFA movement by the Francophone African Diaspora through a cultural remittance: the pan-African identity embedded in the social movement By Natacha Aka.”

Though it was presented as a Master thesis in Conflict Resolution and Governance at the University of Amsterdam, it presents an exact picture of the bad popularity that the currency holds among the Africans who use it. According to a segment from this publication “the twentieth century saw the emergence of a social movement against the CFA franc (FCFA) currency. This currency is still used by fourteen West and Central African countries. Most of these countries happen to be former French colonies. This latter fact is noteworthy as the currency they use was created by France back in 1945 (under the French colonial empire) as a way to back up its own economy post-bellum. Fast forward to 2017, a year wherein an African NGO, Urgences
panafricanistes (URPANAF), which is arguably reviving the anti-FCFA movement, calls on the (Francophone) African civil society in the continent, as well as the (Francophone) African diaspora, to demonstrate against the CFA franc. The leader of the anti-FCFA movement and President of the NGO is part of the Francophone African diaspora. He is French by jus soli and grew up there. Notwithstanding his French nationality, he also has the Beninese nationality by jus sanguinis. His experiences with his dual identity, his membership to the Francophone African diaspora, racism, and other aspects and events made him the man he is today: a Pan-African Political Activist for the African cause. He founded the NGO Urgences panafricanistes that initiated and oversaw the anti-FCFA round of demonstrations in 2017.”
Related international issues have further hastened the plummeting trend of the FCFA. Against a backdrop of increased migration of Africans to the EU, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister, Luigi Maio, has accused France of exploiting Africa and fueling migration to the EU. “The EU should impose sanctions on France and all countries like France that impoverish Africa and make these people leave, because Africans should be in Africa, not at the bottom of the Mediterranean.”  France has “never stopped colonizing tens of African states,” he said adding that if not for resources from Africa, France would not be among the top six economies in the world.
 He further insisted that “France is one of those countries that by printing money for 14 African states prevents their economic development and contributes to the fact that the refugees leave and then die in the sea or arrive on our coasts.”

To understand this hatred for the FCFA, a retrospective look can further shed some light. According to an interview accorded by Professor Mamadou Koulibaly, Speaker of the Ivorian National Assembly, Professor of Economics, and author of the book The Servitude of the Colonial Pact, Just before France conceded to African demands for independence in the 1960s, it carefully organised its
former colonies (CFA countries) in a system of “compulsory solidarity” which consisted of obliging the 14 African states to put 65% of their foreign currency reserves into the French Treasury, plus another 20% for financial liabilities. This means these 14 African countries only ever have access to 15% of their own money! If they need more they have to borrow their own money from the French at commercial rates! And this has been the case since the 1960s.
France has the first right to buy or reject any natural resources found in these countries. So even if the concerned African countries can get better prices elsewhere, they can’t sell to anybody until France says it doesn’t need the resources.
In the award of government contracts, French companies must be considered first; only after that can these countries look elsewhere. It doesn’t matter if the CFA countries can obtain better value for money elsewhere.
Thus, these African states are French taxpayers – taxed at a staggering rate – yet the citizens of these countries aren’t French and don’t have access to the public goods and services their money helps pay for. CFA zones are solicited to provide private funding to French politicians during elections in France.
Overall the Colonial Pact gives the French a dominant and privileged position over Francophone Africa, but in Côte d’Ivoire, the jewel of the former French possessions in Africa, the French are overly dominant. Outside parliament, almost all the major utilities – water, electricity, telephone, transport, ports and major banks – are run by French companies or French interests. The same story is found in commerce, construction, and agriculture.

Edev Newspaper: Email: Tel: +237696896001

Monday, 11 February 2019

2019 Youth Day Celebrations in Cameroon

Message of Cameroons President to the youths on the 53rd National Youth Day Celebrations
My dear young compatriots,

Last year, on the same occasion, I drew your    attention to the changes that were taking place in the world, which pointed to declining solidarity between nations and a recrudescence of national egoism. Unfortunately, recent trends in relations between States confirm this assertion.

My intention was to make it quite clear to you that we had to prepare for such eventuality by first counting on ourselves and then being less dependent on the outside world. That is why I made the emergence of our country a “national cause”.

It is obvious that you already are and will, in the coming years, be the key actors of such emergence. In that regard, it is not futile to recall that for most nations, and ours in particular, each generation, at one moment or another, had to mobilize to uphold a cause that is considered just and necessary.

For our founding fathers, the cause was independence which is inextricably linked to national unity. For their successors, it was the establishment and consolidation of the institutions of the new State. For the next generation, it was the advent of democracy and social progress. For the present generation, it is modernization of the economy and social justice.

For you, the cause is first of all to protect all our achievements in order to better wage the struggle for emergence. Much has been done over the past years to improve our economic fabric. It will be up to you to continue on the same path. You will have to implement our major agricultural revolution, industrialization, infrastructure, as well as social, education, health and housing projects.

During my swearing-in ceremony last November, I asked you not to lose hope. I am repeating that request today. I am quite aware of your difficulties. I understand your aspiration for change and your desire to be more involved in taking decisions concerning your future. I wish to remind you that tomorrow’s Cameroon will be built with you.

My dear young compatriots,

The year 2018 was marked by the holding of the presidential election in which you participated with enthusiasm either as voters, candidates or actors in the electoral process. Such participation is encouraging as it shows the keen interest you have in the affairs of your country.

This interest should be reinforced and sustained. It stands out from a practice that is now common on social networks and the source of worrying excesses.

Although the principle of this form of direct democracy is not fundamentally wrong, it unfortunately often induces people to adopt positions that are offensive to the authorities, political actors or ordinary citizens. Such political activism often violates not only democratic principles, but also the law.

There is another, more responsible and more commendable, way of being a political activist. By definition, politics refers to the management of society. Voting, standing as a candidate in an election, being elected a municipal or regional councillor, a member of the National Assembly or a senator is engaging in politics in the noble sense of the word. If such is your ambition, do not hesitate to embark on that path for the good of your country.

If you achieve your ambition, you will be participating in building a just, democratic and fraternal society based on our socio-cultural realities and our historical heritage, a society to which our people aspire. You will thus contribute to the quest for solutions to the difficulties that many of our youths are facing in finding a job, starting a family, freeing themselves from outdated customs and resisting the temptation of illegal emigration which is claiming many lives.

You will also have to avoid yielding to idleness which can lead to bad habits such as delinquency and alcohol and drug abuse. The Government will have to take urgent measures to wage a merciless war against these ills that are destroying our youths and which, in the long run, will threaten our country’s future.

My dear young compatriots,

In recent years, I have not been insensitive to your difficulties and your aspirations. During my swearing-in ceremony, I once more made the commitment to facilitate the social integration of youths.

Besides recruitments into the defence and security forces and in some sectors such as education, many ministries have implemented programmes concerning you in particular.

In that connection, the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education:

- launched the civic education and national integration campaign which involved more than one million youths and led to the training of   1300 conscripts by the National Civic Service Agency for Participation in Development;

- promoted volunteerism which has helped to train thousands of volunteers for education and health development support operations in priority areas;

- supported associations by providing guidance to youth organizations;

- achieved youth socio-economic integration by training thousands of youths, some of whom are entrepreneurs;

- lastly, and above all, implemented the Three-year “Special Youth” Plan involving more than 600 000 people.

Thus, nearly 4 000 projects have been developed in the agricultural, industrial, digital economy and innovation sectors, and adequate financing also provided.

Many other ministries have also implemented activities for the training and integration of youths into the world of work. I would like to mention in particular the efforts made by the ministries in charge of education to promote professionalization.

Despite these remarkable actions, our country continues to face the problem of youth unemployment. We all know why. Our economy is not buoyant enough to absorb the tens of thousands of youths joining the labour market each year. This also explains why many of them are obliged to accept unskilled jobs to avoid unemployment.

Socially, this situation has many adverse consequences. That is why I will continue to:

- encourage the Government to adopt measures to revive the economy;

- urge economic operators from all over the world to invest in Cameroon;

- advise our youths to seize every available employment opportunity.

You should therefore become committed actors of our new second-generation agricultural policy. Similarly, you should avail yourselves of the opportunities offered by the implementation of our Industrialization Plan and the development of digital technology. The goal is to achieve a level of growth commensurate with our aspiration of becoming an emerging country.

In this regard, there is reason to be fairly optimistic, given that our growth rate is once again on the increase. According to forecasts, it could rise from 3.8% in 2018 to 4.4% in 2019 and 4.7% in 2020, with positive spin-offs for youth employment.

Apart from these encouraging renewed growth prospects, mention should also be made of the role of the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training in promoting employment. More than 500 000 jobs were created in 2018 thanks to the ongoing major projects, agricultural, road and infrastructure projects, as well as the works carried out by regional and local authorities.

Concerning vocational training, the 11 July 2018 law paves the way for the modernization and standardization of training. Vocational training centres of excellence are now operational in Douala, Limbe and Sangmelima. Last year, approved public and private training entities admitted some 40 000 trainees.

There are plans to create no less than 500 000 jobs in 2019.  The Government will pursue the operationalization of a forward planning job management system. The strategic thrusts of the Priority Action Plan of the National Employment Policy will continue to be implemented.

Access to vocational training will be improved by diversifying sectors and increasing training in new centres. The level of training will be improved through the establishment in Yaounde of the National Institute for Trainer Training and Programme Development.

What I have just said underscores the laudable efforts made by the Government to provide our youths with quality training and to facilitate their integration into working life.

My dear young compatriots,

The past few years have not been easy for our country in both the economic and security spheres. Thanks to the virtues of our people, particularly their courage and spirit of selflessness, we have not only overcome our challenges, but have also continued to forge ahead. Our youths can learn from this example.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that challenges help to strengthen one’s resolve. For my part, rest assured that I am determined to pursue with you our common vision of a democratic, just and prosperous society. Such a society is possible only in a Cameroon that is united in its diversity.

I count on you.

Happy Youth Day to you all!

Long live Cameroonian youth!

Long live Cameroon!

Yaounde, 10 February 2019

Edev Web News: Email: :+237696896001

Saturday, 9 February 2019

New Hope for Mankon Elites as Prince Muma Angwagor III is enthroned.

By Etoh George in Bamenda

The concept of enthronement in the traditional African society hails down memory lane with lasting implications. To this take, there are basically 3 pillars underwhich this is sought and attained.
Firstly there is the understanding that every perfect administration needs competent administrators for development aspirations to be attained.  Secondly the understanding that harnessing and ensuring the smooth running of a clan can only be done after consecration and mandation. And thirdly on the understanding that Auxilliaries of Administration in a mass and growing Fondom cannot be undermined. 
 It is on this basis that Fon S.A.N Angwafor III, Paramount Fon of Mankon has enthroned Prince Anye Muma Angwafor III. The Prince is a son to late Muma Angwafor III (brother to the reigning Fon) and as per the customs of the Mankon People since ages past, the title "MUMA" cannot be eradicated. Consequently, with the disappearance of the presiding Fon’s brother there was need for an enthronement. This is the sinopsis of what took place first at the inner chamber of the Fon’s esplanade before an initiation and enthronement proper at one of the newly constructed Mankon Palace Halls. Speaking to the press shortly after the event Fon Angwafor said the event in itself was of utmost importance and depicted a completion in the Fondom. He said the young European based Prince was dynamic a reason why he won the confidence of the family.
 To crowned Prince Muma he said the position of First prince in the Mankon Fondom  came with alot of responsibilities. The First Prince said he was ready to shoulder these responsibilities and pledged his unflinching adherence to the upholding of the age long mankon custom so as to avoid its extinction.
The latter who was rubbed with Cam wood and fresh palm oil as prescribed by the custom of the mankon people is supposed to have no bath for 3 days.

It should be noted that all these comes at a time when so many mankon youths have benefitted from didactic materials as well as financial support to ensure they attain their goals in diversed fields of life. With his zeal for the empowerment of over 200 youths with basic skills in apiculture, there are hopes that things will only get better. Celebrating and dancing in happy chants happy crowds sang “a fallen "IROKO" tree has been raised.”
Prince Ndefru, brother to Prince Anye Muma III said he was ever willing to support his brother in the administration of the clan for the betterment of the kingdom. He called on his brother to carry out his Traditional Administrative Functions with care adding that as the custodian of the Ndefru estate, the importance of unity could not be over emphasised. Since 2016 they had been without a clan head and badly needed one.

 Edev News: Email: Tel: +237678401408/ +237696896001