Thursday, 28 January 2016

Japanese company “Japan Power Plus” poised to provide immediate solutions to correct and overcome electricity load shedding.

 In Yaounde, the Japanese Delegation paid a working visit which paved the way for them to place their fingers on certain realities and thus strengthen the partnership.
The Japanese Delegation and Partners
with the General Manager of Arsel, Jean Pierre Kedi
Japan Power Plus Delegation was led by the CEO Hiro Nishina, accompanied by Mr Takeya, Vice Group President and Co-Founder,Mr.Tchankou Ahmed, Director of the Africa project, and Serge Henri Kelbe, a partner. They were received in turn by the Japanese Ambassador to Cameroon by the Technical Adviser at the Presidency of the Republic, the Secretary General at the Prime Minister's Office,the Coordinator of CARPA Marcel Mbella, the Director General of the Agency for Re-regulations  in the Electrical Sector (ARSEL)the Directors of ENEO on the instructions of the Director General,and by the Minister of Communication Issa Tchiroma Bakary.

It was however not possible for the Ministry of Water and Energy the titular ministry to take part in this lofty initiative due to the fact that submissions that were made at the level of the ministry with regards to this initiative did not receive any feedback.As a result of this, the programmed meeting with the Divisional Delegate of Water and Energy did not take place. It is a shame to miss such an opportunity that offers solutions to correct and overcome the power cuts that is almost putting Cameroon on its knees and disheartening to learn of the contrary expectations the Minister who believes that solutions can only be found in 2020.

Japanese company “Japan Power Plus” poised to provide immediate solutions to correct and overcome electricity load shedding.

Prominent worldwide since 2014, and since then, “Japan 
Power Plus” has been working in partnership with a 
Cameroonian Enterprise MATRIX POWER to install this 
scientific development in Cameroon and Central Africa. 
Everything started from the premise that the generation, 
transmission and distribution of electrical energy has 
encountered great difficulties that results in the loss of
 electrical current in the range of about 30%.
 This phenomenon is caused by obsolete equipment; which 
has the effect of reducing the amount of energy available 
during the distribution. Cameroonians have had bad times 
and have learned to live with frequent power cuts and
 untimely cuts of electricity. The production sector often
 takes a big hit, especially Small and Medium Sized 
Enterprises, which typically have a relatively small 
financial base and who cannot afford to adopt a fuel 
generator to compensate for all eventualities. The 
populations of those slums and suburban localities may 
suffer interruptions of up to several hours at a time on
 several days in the dark.
Considering that energy constitute an important segment 
of the cost of production and a very decisive factor in 
determining the competitiveness of our products, which 
face the products of developed nations rendered strong by 
the Economic Partnership Agreements that allows for the
uplifting of tariff barriers. The lack of control of this
 key sector penalizes the entire economic
 system of the country.
This is the motivation that pushed Serge Henri Kelbe to
 embark on the search for energy efficiency and security 
solutions to which he became addicted since his return to
 Cameroon with the installation of the Matrix Power 
structure level of energy production in Cameroon from 
multiple sources:hydro, heavy fuel generator, gas, solar 
and thermal, can be around 1.400 megawatts per day.

Unfortunately, we lose about 500 megawatts during the transportation thereof. This has pushed the State of Cameroon, to create an Electric Transportation company referred to as SOTREL that specifically takes care of all problems related to transport and security of the energy produced. Meantime, Matrix Power has started to develop a win-win partnership with Japan through the exchange of data and information, informal contacts, case studies, simulations, development pilot projects, the referral of the actors in the electricity sector and government authorities and other operators in civil society. All this long process culminated in the visit of the delegation of the Japanese company Power Plus, headed by the Chief Executive Officer CEO Mr. Hiro Nishina, accompanied by the Vice President and Co-Founder Mr. Takeya,inventor of the new dual carbon battery named Ryden Dual Carbon and Mr. Ahmed Tchankou, African Director of the project who is of Cameroonian nationality.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

President General of Djottin Area Development Authority Petitioned

FROM:  MR NDIKAKA ANTHONY SOGE                                                                  Date: 9th March, 2015
TEL:        677-242-449/679-738-776




Ndikaka Anthony Soge
I wish to express my indignation on how Elect DADA conducted JOINT DADA LITTORAL Elections. Be informed that I out rightly won the election with a vote cast of 74 against 55 for my opponent and it was seized from me causing a lot of frustration on the part of my electorate which is not good if we really want to be transparent in everything we do during this era.

I had earlier on heard that my opponent instructed DADA MASSOUMBOU branch to have a pooling station and little believed this could happen. Further findings revealed that, it was not possible. It is usually said that there is no smoke without fire. This time around the issue of Massoumbou branch having a pooling station was coiled to suit their whims and caprices. But then what measures did DADA National take to make sure the election was properly handled?

I repeat, votes counted showed that I had 74 votes as against 55 votes for my opponent. It was when this result was obtained that the President of DADA Edea Branch presented an envelope of 21 votes all in favor of my opponent. My Vote Count Official asked to know the posts which these 21 votes were  cast for owing to the fact that, there were many posts to be contested? All elect DADA could do was to ignore this very pertinent question and validated the result. This is very scandalous especially during this era when everybody is talking of emergence. Who then authorized the pooling station? Who conducted the election and which method was used to carry out the election? Worst of all, I heard that the election took place earlier than the scheduled time and where on earth have elections been carried out on different dates and time?

President General, you need not be told that we are all Kedjottin. Djottin shall grow only when all of us put our hands on deck to see it grow. For us to succeed, we need to have clean ways of doing things so that God can at least usher in his blessings. When we do things the dirty way, we shall never forge ahead development because God’s blessing shall never be with us. The problem is not that of me being a Vice President. I have been there playing my own little part as you can be told. If you doubt me you can even find out. If today I want to also be a leader, I don’t think it is a crime. Why should Elect DADA handle Joint DADA Littoral Election with bias?

I am by this petition out rightly rejecting the result of Joint DADA Littoral Election. Without mincing words, I want to state that I cannot handle a post in a Rigged Executive Board. In a knot shell, I do not want to promote corruption.

Once more thank you for understanding. May Almighty God grant you wisdom and knowledge to truly understand this petition.


1.       DADA Secretariat.
2.       DADA branches in the Diasporas.
3.       File. Email: Tel:+237696896001

La société nippone Japan Power Plus apporte des solutions pour corriger et pallier aux délestages dès maintenant.

  La délégation nippone et leurs partenaires
autour du DG de l’Arsel, Jean Pierre Kedi
La marquante dans le monde depuis 2014, et depuis ce temps, Japan Power Plus est en partenariat avec la PME camerounaise MATRIX POWER pour l’installation de cette évolution scientifique au Cameroun et en Afrique Centrale.
Tout part du constat selon lequel le concessionnaire d’Etat pour la production, le  transport et la distribution de l’énergie électrique éprouve d’énormes difficultés qui entrainent une déperdition du courant électrique de l’ordre de 30 % environ au cours des start-up nippone dénommé Ryden Dual carbon est l’innovatoion Technologique la plus opérations de transport. Ce phénomène est causé par la vétusté du matériel ; ce qui a pour conséquence de réduire la quantité d’énergie disponible lors de la distribution. Les Camerounais ont bon an, mal an, appris à vivre avec les fréquents délestages et coupures intempestives du courant électrique. Le secteur de production en prend souvent un sacré coup, surtout en ce qui concerne les PME qui, généralement, ont une surface financière assez réduite et qui ne peuvent s’offrir le luxe de se doter d’un générateur à fuel pour pallier à toutes éventualités. Les populations des bidonvilles et celles de localités suburbaines peuvent subir des interruptions pouvant aller de plusieurs heures d’affilées, à plusieurs jours dans la pénombre. Les zones rurales, déjàmal desservies en énergies pour celles qui en ont eu la chance, continuent dans la débrouillardise.
Or, il se trouve que l’énergie soit un des coûts de facteurs de production assez déterminant pour la fixation de la compétitivité de nos produits, qui doivent faire face aux produits des nations développées, en raison des Accords de Partenariat Economiques qui permettent de lever les barrières tarifaires. La non maîtrise de ce secteur clé pénalise tout le système économique de notre pays.
Voici la motivation qui a poussé Serge Henri Kelbe à se lancer dans la recherche de solutions d’efficacité et de sécurité énergétiques dont il est devenu accroc depuis son retour au Cameroun avec l’installation de sa structure Matrix Power ; le niveau de production d’énergie au Cameroun à partir de plusieurs sources (hydro, générateur à fuel lourd, gaz, solaire et thermique) peut se situer autour de 1 .400 mégawatts/jour. Malheureusement, l’on perd environ 500 mégawatts à l’occasion du transport de celle-ci. Cette situation a conduit l’Etat du Cameroun, à créer une société de Transport
d’ Electricité dénommée SOTREL qui s’occupera spécifiquement de tous les problèmes liés au transport et à la sécurité de l’énergie produite. Entre temps, Matrix Power a commencé à développer des relations de partenariat gagnantgagnant avec Power Japan Plus depuis près d’une année avec des échanges de données et d’informations, des contacts informels, des études de cas, des simulations,l’élaboration des projets pilotes, la saisine des acteurs du secteur électrique et des autorités gouvernementales et autres opérateurs de la société civile, tout ce long processus a abouti à la visite de la délégation de la société Japan Power Plus, conduite
par le PDG de la structure en la personne de Monsieur Hiro Nishina, accompagné de Mr Takeya, Vice Président du groupe et co-fondateur, inventeur de la nouvelle batterie double carbone dénommée Ryden Dual Carbon et de Monsieur Ahmed Tchankou, Directeur Afrique du projet,le seul africain du groupe et de surcroît, camerounais de nationalité.

Courtessy "Les Faits" Newspaper Tel: +237696896001/ Email:

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Mécanisme de développement propre :Les yeux doux du Japon vers le Cameroun

La société nippone Japan Power Plus apporte des solutions pour corriger et pallier aux délestages dès maintenant.

 Les Japonais à Yaoundé
La délégation a effectué une visite de travail au Cameroun, ce qui a permis de toucher du doigt quelqueréalité et de renforcer le partenariat.
Japan Power Plus, conduite par le PDG de la structure
Hiro Nishina, accompagné de Monsieur Takeya, Vice
Président du groupe et cofondateur, et de Monsieur
Ahmed Tchankou, Directeur Afrique du projet, et leur partenaire Serge Henri Kelbe, a été reçue tour à tour par
l’Ambassadeur du Japon au Cameroun, par le Conseiller
Technique de la Présidence de la République, par le Secrétaire Général des Services du Premier Ministre,par le Coordonnateur du CARPA, Marcel Mbella en personne, par le Directeur Général de l’Agence de Ré-gulation du Secteur Electrique (ARSEL), par des directeu rs d e EN EO, sur
hautes instructions du Directeur Général, par le Ministre
de la Communication IssaTchiroma Bakary. L’audience introduite auprès du Ministre de l’Eau et de l’Energie (MINEE), Ministère de Tutelle n’ayant pas reçu de
suite, cette rencontre avec le patron du département ministériel en charge de l’énergie n’a pas pu avoir lieu.C’est dommage toutefois de manquer une telle opportunité qui propose des solutions pour corriger et pallier aux délestages dès maintenant, contrairement aux prévisions du Ministre qui croit que des solutions ne pourront être trouvées qu’en 2020.
By Victor Bakomba

courtessy "Les Faits" Email: Tel:+237696896001