Thursday, 31 December 2015

“The response of corporate bodies at the maiden edition of the South west cultural festival was timid”

Dr. Kuo Makolo William Akwo- President of Arts and Culture in Meme Division

The maiden Edition of the Southwest Cultural Festival rounded up and you were privileged to be the host and in the heart of its organisation. What are your general impressions?

The impressions I gathered are that the Southwest people love their culture. Problems however set in because many thought that the whole thing was not going to turn out successful. When the Regional Delegate took the challenge and decided to organise it in Kumba I threw my weight behind her. This was followed by the constitution of Committees at the Regional and Divisional Levels. We decided to throw our weight behind her because we felt that the culture was dwindling and needed to be revived. 

Can you say that this cultural festival manifested a reasonable degree of unity among the South westerners?

Yes because I saw groups from Kupe Maneguba, Manyu, Meme, Fako, Lebialem and Ndian Divisions. All of them had only one dream which was to see that the culture of the Region is revamped. Everybody was happy and hoped that this event will be yearly. True that it has been suggested that the Festival should be rotative in the Region but I think that since this first edition was just a trial thing, Meme should be given another chance for the occasion to be better organised before determining what route to follow in future.

One of the central themes on the festival was that of sustaining culture. How far do you think this lofty objective is attainable?

We are calling on the authorities that be and all the cultural stakeholders to help us create some sort of a cultural museum in Kumba. Such an initiative will bring in the younger population and create a forum through which we could constantly assemble and exploit and promote our culture.

How powerful do you think the Traditional Rulers came out during this maiden cultural festival?

I congratulate the Chiefs of the South West Region for their collaboration and support that they gave the Regional Delegate of Arts and Culture for the South West Region. I pray that the Chiefs should continue to stick together as they have proven to be so that the next event will be a much better event. I equally call on corporate bodies or companies to be much more forth coming as far as supporting such initiatives is concerned. The Regional Delegate sent appeals to these structures but their response was very timid. We hope that in future much more interest will be manifested.

What message do you have for stake holders in arts and culture?

I will like that all Cultural Groups, artists, musicians and traditional dance groups not to feel discouraged if they didn’t get the expected satisfaction. Next year will see a marked improvement in the quality of the event. Many of them felt that they were disappointed as they did not get anything but next year will be more inclusive and will bring in more collaboration from other structures in society. With the creation of our cultural center or museum we look forward to creating some sort of a cultural industry which is all inclusive. Tel:+237678401408

Dr. Dewah adresse un message d'espoir à toutes les nations du monde.

Message Du Nouvelle L’an 2016.
Bonne et heureuse année!

J’adresse ce message d’espoir à toutes les nations du monde.

L’année qui vient de s’achever a été caractérisée de plusieurs événements dans nos différentes vies, certains désirables et certains non désirables. Compte tenu que nous somme vivant, c’est la raison pour la quelle nous devront rendre grâce a Dieu pour sa bonne foie envers nous. L’année qui vient de s’achever était plein de terreur partout dans le monde, et chaqu’un vivais dans la peur. Beaucoup de personnes sont mort a cause des accidents et des actes terroristes, les civiles comme les soldats, mais nous sommes vivants pour rendre compte pour l’année précédente.
Dans toute ceci l’éternelle notre Père Dieu tous puissant été en control. Nous devront savoir que nous sommes chanceux même si tu te trouve dans n’importe qu’elle situation.
Êtes-vous un patient qui a long temps souffert d’une maladie, 2016, je prie que cette maladie vous quitte, un refugiée, vous regagnerais votre patrie et un captif vous regagnerais votre liberté. Dans ceci je crois a l’éternelle notre père qui est tous puissant  au ciel, qui m’inspire dans tous ce que je fais.


Je veux féliciter certaines leaders du monde qui ont essaye de maintenir la paix dans le monde en 2015. L’année 2015 a témoignée plusieurs actes  terroristes  a travers le monde qui a causée la mort de  beaucoup de personnes même dans les pays que nous ne pouvons crois que ces actes terroristes pouvais réussir. Les leadeurs du monde qui ont l’amour de la vie de leurs compatriotes ont toujours cherché les moyens par la négociation de la paix. Ca c’était le pas entreprit par le Chef D’état Camerounais quand la secte Boko Haram avait frape le Cameroun.
C’est juste quand ce pas été sans suite que la prochaine mesure a été prise, parce que le Gouvernement doit entreprendre les mesures de la paix ou la force pour nécessité la réussite. 
Quand la négociation de la paix ne pas réussir la prochaine été celui de la force qui a vu le Cameroun le Tchad et le Nigeria capable de silencier cette secte terroristes.
Bravo !!! à leurs Excellences  les Chefs D’état Camerounais, Tchadienne et Nigériane.


Je veux rendre grâce à Dieu en premier place  et puis les autorités publiques qui nous ont assiste autour de l’année 2015 qui vient de finir. Ce n’était pas une année facile en termes de productivités compte tenue de plusieurs blocages que la structure a souffert.
La structure Sanitaire Traditionnelle DR Dewah  and Bros International qui est en train de rendre les services humanitaires  est taxe comme une société commerciale.
Voila un des aspects.
La prochaine, comme toutes activités sociales elle doit être assistée par l’état par la Ministère chargée de cette activité.
La Ministère de la Sante Publique a négligée notre appelle pour l’assistance par le non répondre des nos correspondances. Ceci non confondu, Le Conseil National de la Communication a systématiquement interdit nos communications dans les majeurs organes de presse, télévision au pays, ceci nous bloque l’accès d’informer la population de nos activités. Si ces blocages pouvais être enlevé, la Structure Sanitaire Dr. Dewah and Bros Modern Traditional Clinic International qui est le seul dans la sous région d’Afrique Centrale qui est en train d’améliorée la condition de vie de la population et réduire le nombre de décès et le chômage parmi les jeunes va soulever très haut le drapeau du Cameroun en ce qui concerne  la médecine Traditionnelle Africain. 


En 2015 La Chambre de Commerce du Nigeria par La Chambre du Commerce du Cameroun nous ont invite pour La Foire International d’Abuja au Nigeria qui a eu lieu du 18 Septembre au 2 Octobre 2015 a Abuja. Nous avons participe avec succès à cette foire international a Abuja ou lors de cette foire nous avons également déposé la demande pour obtenir l’autorisation de NAFDAC (National Agency For Food and Drug Administration Contrôle) pour y amener notre service au peuple nigériane. Nous avons aussi participé au Ndu 2eme ECOFORUM 2015 par l’invitation de la Commune de Ndu dans Le Nord Ouest avec grand succès. Il y a eu la population qui est sortir en grand mass. Je veux par le présent message  souhaiter mes veux les meilleur a monsieur le Maire de Ndu Council avec son équipe et demander aux autres communes d’émuler l’exemple de cette commune de Ndu pour nous invites aussi s’ils ont aussi l’événement similaire.   
Pour finir mon message d’espoir a toutes les nations du monde une fois de plus je vous souhaite mes veux les meilleur et de la prospérité en l’an 2016.
Vive les nations du monde,
Vive le Cameroun, Gabon et Congo Brazzaville,
Et vive Dr Dewah and Bros Modern Traditional Clinic International
Merci    Tel:+237691755578/+237661864369/+237678401408

Dr. Dewah's New Year Message of Hope to all the Nations of the World.

New Year Message, 2016


I am addressing this New Year Message of Hope to all the Nations of the world. 

The just ended year was characterized by so many events in our various lives, those that were wanted and those that were unwanted, but for the fact that we have crossed into another New Year, it means that we are blessed. For this reason, we have the right to thank God for his goodness towards us.

 The just ended year was full of terror all over the world and everyone was living with uncertainties. Many people have fallen due to accidents and terrorist attacks civilians and soldiers alike but we are here alive to give account of last year.

In all of these, the Almighty Father was in control. We should all count ourselves lucky no matter the situation in which you find yourself. Are you a patient who has long suffered from an illness,2016, I pray your illness will leave you, a refugee, you will regain your Father land, a captive you will regain your freedom. In all of this, I rely on the Almighty Father, the God of Heaven who always inspires me in all I do.


 I want to congratulate some world leaders who tried by all means to maintain peace in the world in 2015. The year 2015 witnessed so many acts of Terrorism across the world that claimed the lives of many people even in countries that we hoped such attacks could not succeed.

The World Leaders who have the love for their people’s lives always look for ways to negotiate for peace. Such was the step taken by the Cameroonian Head of State when the Boko Haram Terrorist Group struck Cameroon.

Until this avenue was proved abortive then the next step was taken, because Government is supposed to rule by peace or by force. When the peaceful negotiations failed, the next option was the forceful one which of course Cameroon, Tchad and Nigeria were able to silence the Terrorist Group. Bravo to their Excellencies Cameroonian, Tchadian and Nigerian Heads of State.


I want to thank God in the first place, then the Public Authorities who stood by us during the 2015 year that has ended. The year was not such an easy one in terms of our output considering the number of blockages the structure suffered.

The Health Structure Dr. Dewah and Bros Modern Traditional Clinic International which is considered to be rendering humanitarian services is subjected to high taxes as if it is a commercial company.

That is just one aspect.

The next, as every functionary activity that is humanitarian is assisted by the State through the Ministry in charge of that activity. The Ministry of Public Health has neglected our call for assistance by not giving responses to many of our correspondences. This notwithstanding, the National Communication Council has systematically banned our communication with all the major communication houses in the country.

These not rendering us access to inform the population about our activities. Should these blockages be sort out and dealt with, then Dr. Dewah and Bros Modern Traditional Clinic International that remains the only Traditional Health Structure that is giving Good Health to the population of the Central African Sub Region and reducing death rate and unemployment among the youth will continue to fly the flag of Cameroon very high in the domain of African Traditional Medicine.


We were invited by the Nigerian Chamber of Commerce through the Cameroon Chamber of Commerce to participate in the Abuja International Trade Fair which took place from the 18th of September to the 2nd of October 2015.

During the Trade Fair, we succeeded in submitting our application to obtain the authorization of the National Agency For Food and Drug Administration Control NAFDAC to carry out our services to Nigerians.

The Ndu Council also invited us for the 2nd Edition of the Ndu ECOFORUM 2015. This ran from the 12th to the 18th of December, 2015 in which we successfully participated with a successful massive turn out of the population.

I want to extend my sincere thanks and this new year message to the Lord Mayor of Ndu Council and his Executive Bureau and pray other councils to copy their example.

To end this my new year message of Hope to all the nations of the world, I want to once more wish you a Happy and prosperous New year New 2016.

Long Live All the Nations of the world,

Long Live Cameroon, Gabon and Congo Brazzaville.

Long Live Dr. Dewah and Bros Modern Traditional Clinic International.

Thank you. +237696896001/ +237678401408

Monday, 28 December 2015

There's an Anglophone problem in Cameroon but they themselves help to compound it- Dr.Nick Ngwanyam, CEO Saint Louis University, Bamenda

You are one of those spearheading the way forward for Cameroon in the private sector. As a sector which will determine the future of this country how do you evaluate the pace of movement there?

One big Cameroonian mistake is the thought that for a country to survive everybody had to be in the civil service. Everybody had to have a white collar job. Everybody’s supposed to have a title. I am the Director of this or that. We only want to be at a point where we dish out instructions and not take them even if we sometimes don’t know the instructions we are giving. Not everybody can give instructions and if we keep giving instructions to each other, the productive arm of the country is left unattended to. If you go to much more evolved countries, such as Germany or the U.S., it is the private sector that dictates the pace. If we don’t follow suite, then we are wasting our time. Life in any country is about the private sector and we are saying that the Government should provide a gust of oxygen to the sector so that they can go faster than what is happening now. There are ways and means of giving that oxygen. All the kids who now go to the University should have in mind that there is no work in the civil service. The Cameroon civil service has about 230.000 employees. Recently they dug out ten thousand fake employees. Now the population of Cameroon is about twenty or twenty two million people. What is 230.000 compared to 22.000.000 FCFA. There are millions of people out there who are neither youths nor civil servants. The question is, who are these people and how do they survive? This shows that we have to work a lot in the private sector. It is the private sector that employs and it is the private sector that generates the income. It is through the private sector that development comes. 

What do you say about the timid response of English speaking Cameroonians to specialized professional training?

If Saint Louis were a Government run institution, you would have given your normal excuse of Anglophone victimization. We only use this excuse to run away from our responsibilities. We must rise up to the occasion. It is true that in some schools there is some favoritism but every situation should not be pegged to it. In a school like Saint Louis University in Bamenda with 1300 students more than 700 of them are Bamelikes from the West Region. You should note that the learning and teaching is in English and the examinations are in English. The advertisements of the school are in English and you don’t need to write a competitive exam to come to the school. In 2013, something happened here that shocked me. There was this class of students graduating from dentistry. In that class, there were 36 of them and 34 of the students were Bamelikes and only two Anglophones. Nothing ever shocked me more than this. The Bamelikes are like the three wise men from the East and despite the distance and the difficulties they understand what they have to gain from it. The Anglophones are much more like the people of Nazareth who could not really see the wonderful thing that was just below their nostrils. When they are talking about problem I accept that there is the Anglophone problem but Anglophones themselves contribute enormously to that problem by refusing to do their own part. The quality of our students with A Levels is very poor sometimes because of the very poor teaching and we are the same ones who complain that students with two GCE A level papers should be admitted into the university. 

Yes but what is the origin of this poor response and lack of awareness on the importance of professional training?

We have this notion that if our children are not doing well we should send them to teachers’ training colleges or to schools of nursing. We have a wrong impression of things. We need to sit down and do a rethink because we are backing the wrong horse and blaming someone else. In the 25000 jobs that were provided, if they statistically divided these jobs per Region Anglophones will have about 4000 or 5000 of them but because of the fact that the leaning was mainly on technology, Anglophones had very few of these jobs.  As I speak to you, many of those twenty five thousand job opportunities have not yet been taken up because there were no technicians in Cameroon fit enough to take those jobs because of the nature of our training. We have jobs but our youths on the streets aren’t qualified to take them. We are Anglophones and we run away from French but let’s see what happened last year with the English Language score. They scored only twenty three percent at the Ordinary Level GCE.  So what has happened to your being Anglophones when you can’t even pass the English Language? Something is seriously wrong with us. Francophones come into our schools and top the charts and they top the GCE so something is wrong with us.

What do you think is the way forward?

There is just one way which is that when you want to do something,do it well. What is lacking from us is excellence. We don’t have excellent thoughts and we don’t do things excellently. We don’t respect truth and merit. The world is competitive so even if you can play your tricks in Cameroon by cheating and having your certificates when you get to the US you cannot cheat.There you will be forced to face the music. We have to start doing things following international standards. As I speak to you, the Philippines send 7000 to 9000 nurses to America, Canada and Germany every year. How many nurses does Cameroon send? Nothing. Cameroonians should respect reality, truth and standards in all aspects of its society. Look at the School of Agriculture at Nkolbissong in Yaounde. Since its creation what has been done there? What has happened to the agriculture officials that we have been training at Nkolbissong that we are still importing rice and corn?  It boils down to improper training. We only fight to sit in offices and kill each other over posts. There is something seriously wrong with our training in Cameroon. One week ago, a girl came into my office and asked for a scholarship to study in my institution. I told her that scholarships in my institution are given to particular persons for particular reasons. I tried to give her an example that I give scholarships to people from Donga-Mantung because I want to bring up the place. I asked about the number of GCE A Level papers that she had and she said she had two A Levels with three points. She said she was from Bambili. Incidentally I asked her if she knew where Donga-Mantung was and to my surprise she said no. She said she thought it was a village somewhere. In my effort to situate Donga-Mantung I asked her if she knew the ring road and she said she didn’t know what that meant. You can imagine my shock with that coming from an arts student who had just passed the GCE A Levels. The greatest shock came when she said she didn’t know what an atlas was. That’s to tell you the kind of studies we have in Cameroon. Such a student will go to ENS and become a teacher.
Continued from an earlier interview published before this one....
Interviewed by Francis Ekongang Nzante Lenjo francoeko@gmail/ Tel: +237696896001/ +237678401408/ +237661864369/ +237691755578